Monday, June 21, 2010

Civil War soldier's letter

Civil War soldier's letter dated Concord [Camp Berry], New Hampshire, August 25, 1861. From George W. Felch to his friend Adeline Jones of West Wilton, New Hampshire. He writes about how good things are in camp, the food, no women cooks yet, leaving for Washington soon.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

James Dalaney 1825

Letter dated 1825, where James Dalaney has written to P.R.Fendale at Alexandria, D.C; asking to borrow $100.00 as he is barely 100 miles from home, traveling with his dear old mother, a hack, two horses and a servant, with barely $5 in his pocket......signed James Dalaney

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rockaway Long Island, New York 1806

Rockaway (Long Island, New York), Sep 4 (1806), from William M. Pree, to James Clapp, No. 2 Upper Chambers Street, New York City. Hand carried, no postal markings. The content reads, in part, as follows, "This will be handed you by a domestic, at present in the pay of Mr. Jones and myself. I will be very much obliged to you if you would go with my servant (whose name is Gilbert) to Chesterman and give him a pr. of pantaloons and vest, which I ordered to be made for me yesterday. They will certainly be done ...[He} is a stranger in town and may get lost. I would also thank you to purchase 2 lbs. of almonds, 2 lbs. of raisins and 8 good oranges, together with one lb. of sugar plumbs, which send with him out of town as soon as bought. I would think you to be particular as to going to Chesterman's, as I am in sadly in want of things above mentioned. If they should not be done, make Gilbert wait in town until they are. I expect him back, however, tomorrow morning. He was sent express with a letter to PLT, which you will have. Miss Claypoole arrived here yesterday, which circumstances will alter my determination of going to town on Monday. I shall not be down until the following Thursday. Write me by the bearer and mention what articles are sent with him, as you know what servants are ... [signed] M. Pree.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Civil War Soldier's Letter

Civil War soldier's letter dated Cairo, Illinois, February 21, 1862 and written by Thomas Call, Company A, "Yates Sharpshooters", 64th Illinois Infantry, to "Friend Katie". .....He comments about family matters, and friends in the service, how much he hates Cairo but enjoys watching the rebel prisoners pouring in every day. About five thousand have come through, being sent to Alton and Camp Butler for the duration of the war. Steamboats going up the river to St. Louis.

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