Monday, January 19, 2004

B. Gove Docketing, Maine to Rev. C. H. Titus, Rhode Island, 1840

This stampless letter has a faint red circular date stamp for MONMOUTH Me. [Maine], a handwritten 5 cent rate, and is addressed to Rev. C. H. Titus, Woonsockett, R.I., and is a two page letter written by B. Gove. Docketing on a fold says "Bradbury Gove".

The headline is Monmouth Dec 19, 1840.

He starts out 'Dear Brother', which may mean brother in law.

Some abstracts:

"We have long been in a state betwixt two wheather to write or not if we knew you had entirely forgotten us. I should not have troubled you with this but as we are very anxious to hear from you and to know what has become of Mother ..."

"Charles, we have felt that it would be a privelege to hear from you as we could not see you and tell you our feelings, we feel that we have been truly afflicted in the death of our darling boy and although the wheels of time are swiftly roaling ..."

"Our family are all well as common at the present all though sickness and death are all a round us there has been a number of deaths since I last wrote you, Mr. Stephen Prescott has died and I.N. Prescott has lost a son, we are now all a lone, Aunt Lydia has gone, we have moved in to the parlor expect Mr. Donell to move in soon."