Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Columbus Warren, Maine to Sophia Clark, Massachusetts, 1843

This stampless letter has a circular date stamp for OLDTOWN Me. [Maine], and is addressed to Mrs. Sophia Clark, Dedham, Mass, and is a two page 'Dear Sister' letter written by Columbus Warren.

The headline is Old Town, Oct 1, 1843.

Some abstracts:

"... we had made our calculations to move to Sumervill this season, but Henry's business on Fish River & on the St. John was such that he could not leave there to attend to moving."

"There is one house on the premises [Sumervill] which is occupied by Mr. Isaiah West, a brother of Henry; we calculated to have built a house this season for our families at Sumervill, but other business prevented."

"I am sorry to learn that you & Mary Warren are so unwell, and hope that you will have your health restored soon." "I should be pleased to visit brother Thomas this fall but I shall not be able to."

"Spring Hill in Sumervill will be an excellent place to take boarders from Boston."

"Summervill would probably be a good place for Mary Warren to take a school if she should be so disposed after we get moved there, as they must have female teacher."