Thursday, March 04, 2004

Letter to Thomas B. Gould, Newport, Rhode Island, from Quaker John King, Ledyard, Cayuga County, New York, February 5, 1855

Name: Phillip F. Schlee
E- mail:

Ledyard, Cayuga County N. Y.
2 mo. 5 1855

My dear Friend Thomas B. Gould

Although I have written two letters to thee which remain unanswered, I felt this evening again like taking the pen to let thee see that thou hast still a place in my affectionate remembrance, that I realize no abatement of that true nearness and unity of feeling towards thee, which I have long entertained, being enabled cordially to embrace thee as a brother beloved; and I hope and believe that nothing different to this is entertained by thee towards myself.

Since my last communication quite a change has taken place in the general aspect of matters, but now particularly in Ohio and consequently in Philadelphia Yearly Meetings: although we have much to regret the weakness observable, in relation to coming up promptly to Truth and consistency, in at once avowing that unity of spirit which all must realize one with another, who continue as branches of the living vine, that they may be enabled to show forth the fruits of the spirit, love, gentleness, long-suffering[,] charity, and all those virtues which alone compact us together as the living temple, entirely consecrated to the Lord of Hosts, yet I must desire that those who may be compared to some formerly, who saw men as trees walking, may be ultimately favored to see things as they really are; for unless there is an abiding in the Truth, we cannot truly and entirely acknowledge those who dwell in it.

As we severally endeavor to keep our places in the Church of Christ, looking to Him who has all power both in heaven and in earth, for our daily sustenance, and for strength to do all which He requires in the eternal and invincible authority of Truth and in the innocence of the Lamb immaculate; He will bring about results in His own good pleasure and time (which is ever the best time,) marvellous in our view; but what a mercy during the commotion of the elements, while those who act in the unsanctified and corrupt nature are suffering a cushing abrasion, as they are set in motion by the human will, to find that we are safely held, as in the hollow of the Divine hand, hence none are able to pluck us, and to trample us, as under their feet.

I was much interested in a letter thou wrote to Joshua Maule giving an account of thy journey through Ohio and Pennsylvania, a copy of which he kindly sent me, and although I had deeply to regret that there was that full unity wanting in regard to embracing our New England Friends then present, as brethren, as well as fully acknowledging both your meeting and ours, both on their own account and on ours, yet I was much gratified to find that so much kindness and sympathy was shown thee by others: and above all, I think there is great cause for gratitude, that the Good Master was pleased to be near thee, enable thee to divide the word aright, and as I think was the case, to give general satisfaction wherever He was pleased to direct thee.

I have understood that thou has some prospect of visiting our next Yearly Meeting, which I hope if consistent with His precious will, who directs all things rightly, thou may be able to accomplish: Should thou do so, if it seem pleasant and best to thee, it would be gratifying to me if thou would make my house thy lodging place. Our valued Friends Ezra and Phebe Haines attended our last Y. M. and I hope were upon the whole pretty well satisfied; and Oh! that we may be favored so to live that in condescending mercy He may still deign to be near us; to enable us in the meekness of eternal wisdom to keep all from amongst us displeasing in His Holy sight; that we may each and all dwell in the mind of one formerly who said; “One thing have I desired of the Lord, and that will I seek after, to dwell in the house of the Lord, and inquire in His temple”; and as we are living stones of His church or temple, He will answer our enquiries, be our guardian, our guide and sure reward and a counsellor in the needful time.

Please to inform thy wife that Susannah Marriott still continues to enjoy a comfortable state of health. In love to thyself, wife and family, my wife and Susannah Marriott uniting with me Thy affectionate friend John King A few lines from thee would be acceptable.

Notes: Letter to Thomas B. Gould, Newport, Rhode Island, from John King, Ledyard, Cayuga County, New York, February 5, 1855; from the Phillip F. Schlee Collection.