Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Daniel Maupin, Virginia 1817

Letters are addressed to Majer James Mcneal and William M[??], Knox county [Kentucky], and Mager James McNeel in Knox county. Both are written by a Danl. Maupin.

One is a one page letter and one is a half a page letter. The headline on one is September 21st 1818; the shorter letter is May 5th 1817.

I think the writer of these letters is the Daniel Maupin from Albemarle county, Virginia.

Some abstracts:

[1817] "We are well hoping these lines may find you injoying the same. You Rote to me concerning the mill stateing you would by it but I cannot give you answer as yet whether I will sell or not, but I expect to come and see you between now and harvest. You will plese to see that the tax of the land is paid in Knox ..."

[1818] "You rote to me to come to see you this month but you Excuse me for not comeing my self as I am at this time very unwell. Where fore I have got my son Garland D. [?] Maupin to attend in my place and to Recive what money you have in your hands belonging to the astate of William Delaneys ..."

"... you will also send what money you let your farther have by the above and I impwer my son Garland to Recept ..."