Thursday, May 27, 2004

S. Brooks to Thomas Brooks, Massachusetts, 1812

This stampless letter has a faint circular date stamp for BOSTON with the stars / asterisks at the bottom, a handwritten 10 cent rate, and is addressed to Mr. Thomas Brooks, Lunenburg, Massachusetts, and is a one page 'Honoured Parents' letter written by S. Brooks.

The headline is Boston, May 11th, 1812.

Some abstracts:

"I am well and hoping these few lines may find you the same. I got down verry safe and went to Mr. Rogers the same night and gave him your letter, he read it over several times and made strange of it, he had no notion of moveing out of the house, and never said he had, he said he might live in the house this nine years but as the times where now, he did not want to live in the house only by the quarter. Thomas is well and sends his love to the family."

"I bought John a trunk and a wach [sic] and a picturbook."