Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Top Genealogy Blogs

Olive Tree Genealogy Lorine McGinnis Schulze (the Olive Tree Lady) answers questions about genealogy and provides tips for finding those elusive brick-wall ancestors

The Paper Trail Eclectic mix of old documents - you may just find an ancestor's will, land record or general store receipt here!

Past Voices Letters, letters and more letters! Letters from Civil War soldiers, from wives to husbands, sons to mothers, sisters to sisters... This blog contains poignant old letters full of genealogy tidbits.

Ancestors at Rest - The blog for website. Contains death records of all kinds - funeral cards, death notices, cemetery receipts, obits...and more

Family Bibles - Another blog of Family Bible entries and pictures of the births, marriages and death pages

Genealogy And How Up to date announcements of new websites and new genealogical records and databases placed online.