Saturday, July 17, 2004

Civil War: Ashley Fraizer, Fort Pickering 1862



cousen lidia a. Burgess

i got your letter the other day and with it one from louisa leonard. I was very glad to hear from you. My health is very good. I thought sometime ago that i would have to give up and go to the hospital but did not go and i expect it was best for i have got better my old cough came back again. Well there is no news of importance to write.

I think the war is about over if our troops will stand right up to them. They are completely whiped hear. They say that theyare readuy to give up now . If some of our home cowards would come and help us a little them fellows that have come from virginia to silas george they are nothing but cowards that wont fight for ther homes and ought not to be countinanced at all.. They ought to be drove out of highland county, they shirk out of the war and run from there homes when they might voluntered in some regiment and fight when we must do there fighting for them.

There john barrett and bill barrett such as them and the homes. We must suffer. It makes me mad to think of it. I ever get back they must hope ther gab to ther selves or ther will be somebody hurt.

Well my boots has no come yet but it is likely they will come before long. I am wanting them very bad as the weather is getting very disagreeable. If the expressage is payed i can get them as quick as the get here. If not i can't tell when they will be delivered for money is very scarce hear now we have not got our pay yet. I am still working at the fort yet but we may go away from hear before long.

Write soon give my love to everbody but home cowards
ash fraizer

Notes: ashley j. Frazier was a cousin of lydia burgess parker he was born in 1840 in indianna and was related through the leonard connection.