Friday, July 30, 2004

Civil War: Charlotte Couch, Illinois 1865

Civil War letter written by Charlotte Couch of Fairview, Illinois, and dated April 19, 1865. It is addressed to a Civil War soldier, identified as "Henry".

It is clear by this letter that Charlotte Couch was an intelligent, outspoken women. She makes her feelings about the South and it’s military leaders clear in this letter.


"Fairview, Illinois—April 19, 1865
Friend Henry—

…I received your letter last Friday that was due the the 30 of March. I also got a letter from John Couch last Friday. [Most likely the John Couch referenced here belonged to Company "C", 103rd Illinois Infantry.] He never said how he was, but he seemed to be very much engaged and inclined to think that Sherman’s army is the best one in the field. I think myself that he is very good. Grant has been doing some good work within the last few weeks. Well I felt very well satisfied to hear that Richmond was taken the way it was--only I should liked for Lee to have been killed!

Well I suppose many other think that the war cannot last much longer. We heard late last evening that they had taken Johnston’s Army…. We have got many Rebels up north. We killed them with the Draft. They may turn again…they don’t want any more men. The Draft went off in Deerfield last week. Three of the young men run off but just as soon as they heard that they was not wanted, they came right back to Bayless….

I suppose that A. Lincoln was buried at Springfield yesterday. I have no doubt but what it was the largest funeral that was ever known in the United States. There was a great many went from Canton. Well it seems hard to think that good true men should b shot down by the likes of Northern Traitors. It seems bad enough to fall in battle. Of I would like to see the one hang that shot Lincoln. Well I hope that Johnson will be harder than ever. Lincoln was on the Rebels.
I was glad that you all had such good success while on your last march. Well I will close for this time, hoping that after a few more letters that we can have the pleasure of hearing soldier’s tell of their hardships that they have went through on account of this rebellion.

I remain, your friend, Charlotte Couch…."