Saturday, July 17, 2004

Civil War Letter: Ashley J. Frazier, Virginia 1863


U.s. hospitle sts
woodford vicksburg
july 21, 1863

Dear cousen lidia

i am still in the land of the living and _______and harty but ther is a good deal of sickness as high as 7 or 8 die of a night on our boat thye liked me so well as a nurse they put me in gen ward master of all the sick i have 164 beds and 150 sick in them i have 18 nurses and it keeps them busy to get along it takes 30 neggroes busy to wash and iron and scrub the boat

i have got plenty of money and would send some home if i had a chance but there is no chance now i hant saw ben gadd yet nore any of the 48th i don't know whether he is a living or not the rest of the boats has gone down the river towards new orleans and we will start down in a few hours. I don't know where we will go i hear the rebs is in indianna county up river they had better look out

tell me all the news going for i hant got time to write more now direct as before

ashley j. Frazier