Saturday, July 17, 2004

Civil War: Natchez Mississippi Hospital 1869 - Ashley Frazier


Natchez missippi
u.s. hospital ster woodford
aug. 27,1869

Notes: dear cousin i am down the river 110 miles below vicksburg at a nice town called vatchez the nicest place i have saw in the confederacy we come down for a holaday the head dockter thought it would be a nice tripp for the sick and so it is. We get all the fruit we can eat and melons by the dossen so you we have good times i took the ambulance and took a load of boys on out to see the town we had a merry time i tell you i bought some apples and a mess of dumplings but i missed aunt malindas cream dip very much and will have something more good.

The 48th regt passed hear going to new orleans yesterday my health is not very good i have got the gripp? Part of the time so no more now write soon ashley j. Frazier well lydia we once more in sight of vicksburg and will soon land there againe our frollick is over for a while but i have some hope of getting a letter and that will be joy give my love to aunt malinda tell her i had apple dumplings for dinner give my love to emma stalker tell unkle beve i will vote for john bough for governer of ohio and i am going to send my ticket home

ashley j. Frazier direct u.s. ster woodford