Sunday, November 07, 2004

Cronalie Kendrick Burt to Fannie Kendrick Egger, Mississippi, 1901


March 28, 1901
Sumner, Miss.

Dear Brothers and sisters,

I will write you a few lines to let you know how we are all getting along. All well but myself. I have been feeling bad all day. I think I have gout. The Blue's thought perhaps I would feel better if I would get up and talk to you a little.

Well Fannie, Eddie got home the 27 you know I was glad. He has been gone 7 months and Henry Burt came down the 17th and left the 19th. Ellen went back home with him to stay 3 years. She will come home and visit in the fall. Henry is doing well. He has got a find place and a fine house built with 6 rooms. He lives at Armory, Mississippi. It is a big town near where Ellen will go to school. In town Eddie went to see Billie and Uncle Martin last week. They are all well.

Eddie says Billie has got 4 fine Boys as he ever saw & the smartiest Boys & the best looking boys of any Batch. Uncle Martin is losing his mind. The poor old fellow sent me his Aunt Hass furniture it would nearly break your heart to look at them. They look so old. Belle & Payton is going to come down this fall. Yes & Uncle Hort sent me a sha base full of sweet potatoes. I have eat the bach and they are a fine sort.

Mother is well. Her & I went to town yesterday. She went to have her picture taken. You can look out for one of them in 2 weeks. She will send you one. Dad Kendricks sent me his picture. Imagine him & his folks is living in Columbus also Corce & her family. They are working in the factory. Eddie says imagine will weigh 240 pounds.

Well I will close for this time. Hoping this will find you well.

Write soon, your sister,
C.J. Burt Cornalie Jane Kendrick Burt

Notes: C.J. Burt is Cornalie Jane Kendrick Burt, daughter of Mary Ellen Stanley and Jonis Wesley Kendrick. Cornalie is writting to her sister, Fannie Clara Kendrick Egger.