Sunday, November 07, 2004

J. H. Egger, Arkansas 1892

Submitter E-mail:

Letter to Mr. J.H. Egger,
Edge P.O., Ark.
Vernon, Ala,
March 13th, 1892

Dear Brother and sister, I will try to answer your kind and most welcome letter which come to hand a few days ago was more than glad to hear from you all. I begin to think you was not going to write any more.

You say you don't get any letters from us. I never fail to anser your letters as soon as I get one as for the others I don't know what they do for. I am always so anxious to get one from you. John wrote you a card stating that he got his socks. Got them Christmas Eve and ws hung on the Christmas Tree for him he was the proudest thing of them you ever saw. I asked him what would he take for them and he said he would not take 10 dollars for them.

Well, we are all well and doing well as the good Lord will let us. You said you had a girl. I did not know at all till I got your letter and you know that we don't get a letter often.

Well Fannie, Cornelia is left in a destitute condition. Joe has left her. Left her in the fall and has not sent her a nickle. He went to the bottom. They have made out someway, but I don't know hardly how. Eddie has work. I all the winter at 35 - cents a day and she has done what she could to ketch something to eat they have done remarkable well and some of them had the chills all the winter. She said that if Joe could stay all of the winter and them on starvation, he could just stay of for she was not going to have any more to do with him. The people is mighty good to her so for her baby is the fattest thing you ever saw has named it Mittie Viola.

Well I will on something else I have got any garden nearly all planted any cabbage as if and beets and onions are nice for Peyton has planted some corn and going to plant some more today. Grady has got the whooping cough but has not hurt him. He is beginning to talk. He goes just where he pleases. You said you would send pa your picture if he wanted them you know he wants them you don't know how glad I would be to get them for I think of you all every day that comes well as my paper is scarse. I had better quit for this is the last piece of paper I have got.

The connection is well as far as I know Uncle Sammie Johnson is dead been dead a month or more. Uncle Nait Kendrick is dead. After Aunt Synthia died, he broke up and went to the bottom with Joe and died here he dies down dead a month or so. Leona Kendrick is married. She married Christmas to Jorn West one of the ugliest fellas that you ever saw but he is good by her.

Good bye, your sister Belle and Peyton.