Sunday, November 07, 2004

W. E. Egger, Arkansas 1918

Scotland, Arkansas July 16, 1918

Mr. W. E. Egger,

My dear brother.

I will try to answer your kind letter of the other day. Was glad to hear from you. This leaves us not well. I'm in the bed again and have been a week tomorrow. I'm some better tho than I have been. The rest are well. Hope this will find you enjoying life fine.

Well Edd George is gone to Clinton today to be armied. I am awful afraid he'll be called in a few days. They've got him in 1st class. Well Ed, little crippled Troy Bost was buried yesterday. He died Sunday morning.

Well Edd I can't write much I am to weak I can't set up. I sure was proud of them cards you sent us. Would be awful glad to get your picture in your uniform. Ed, we have never heard from Emma yet, only Anthony Latimer wrote to Francis that Emma was going to school. Has she been to see you anymore? I don't know whether George will get to come or not to see you for me being down and him looking for his call any time now. He's talking of coming next Sunday in Griggs car if I'm able. He couldn't get off last Sunday. His registering no. is 65 and his order no is 16.

Well Edd, excuse short letter and I'll do better when I get able. So be good and let us hear from you soon.

We are your bro and sister and nephew. George, Rosa and Eruen Egger and J. Tillis

May God be with us all until we meet again if we meet no more on Earth let's meet in Heaven.