Sunday, July 24, 2005

Civil War Memoir: John Reando 13th New York Volunteer Infantry

The following is from Grand Army of the Republic ~ Department of New York ~ Personal War Sketches of the Members of Charles P. Sprout Post No. 76, of Lockport

Sprout who was with the New York 28th Infantry was killed in Action at Cedar Mountain, Virginia on August 9, 1862

John Reando
Born St Lawrence, New York
Company “F”, 13th New York Volunteer Infantry

…My first experience in battle was at Blackburn’s Ford, Va., for about five weeks. After the 1st Bull Run battle, where I was captured by the 5th Virginia Volunteers. Was confined as a prisoner of war in Richmond, Va., from July 21, 1861 ‘til November 25, 1861. Was then transferred to Tuscaloosa, Alabama where I remained a prisoner till March 1, 1862. Was taken thence to Salisbury N.C.

The most important event in my military service was being discharged from prison and getting a square meal and getting grid of grey-backs.