Monday, August 27, 2007

Herbert W. Swan. Most to Shelburne Falls Massachusetts


To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine

73 Total - [71] Handwritten Letters - Correspondence. [2] Typed. All To: H.[Herbert] W. Swan. Most to Shelburne Falls Massachusetts & a few Longwood Florida. From: Most from H.S. Swan [Father] Written on Family business Undertaker Furniture, Carpets & Paper Hanging Letterhead. Shelburne Falls Mass. Most of the letters are addressed from Boston MA. So Herbert Sr. had taken the letterhead stationery with him while in Massachusetts General Hospital recovering from a illness, possibly TB. Few letters from other family members & a few letters from Sr. in 1895 still running the business. 1891 & 1895. [65] 1891 Undertaker Stationery - [5] 1891 Waltham MA. & [3] 1895 Undertaker Stationery. The Son has taken over the family undertaker business. Letters Mention In Part: They have just carried out the Sailor that was brought in 3 or 4 days ago - The man that was shot by burglar was brought into the ward, he is getting along well - The fireman is getting along - Doctors names & treatments mentioned - Swollen tongue - Patients coming and going - Exercise the Colts - You can do the undertaking - Writer advising his son on the business - Keep the business going - My lung improving - Glad to hear the horses are doing swell do hope you will try to keep them quiet so you can depend upon them for a hearse team - New Horses - The fireman that fell 40 or 50 feet off of the Theater sometime ago is up walking - This morning is very warm but smokey we think from the Western Fires - No cough, feel first rate - Frank riding his wheel - We have a lively ward - If the Buggy is to much broken you can get the buggy in the Woodward barn - How is the papering business - [1895] Yesterday the Funeral of the Thayer baby, the snow was so deep we put it in the Tomb for now. We have a very good road to the tomb but no further, we used the hearse alll right - & More. VG Cond. Most w/ Envelopes. Most w/ Stamps