Monday, November 19, 2007

1806 Letter, Burlington Vermont

1806 Letter Burlington Vermont Item number: 300171869686

Dr Brother:

We arrived safe at home a few days a ago - I sipt (sic)at Middlebury several days, in order to affect something with regard to Banks -

When I got there - they had a bill before the house for a State Bank.
This Bill was brought forward by the opposition to the Banking interest and was carried one branch for this place, and another at Woodstock, before it passed the (worried (?) some of our friends left the house and they took that opportunity to propose an amendment and have one branch at Middlebury which was carried

- however we were glad to get rid of it the bill being one of the most inconsistent things ever brought before any Legislation

- It anticipates no capital as only five hundred dollars is appropriated to put it in ---and when the bills are issued if the State pleases they will pay them otherwise they will not as the State is not suitable and of course the holders of bills must loose them if they are not disposed to pay them

- When I get my business arranged I shall set for Boston / It will be uncertain whether I will come your way or not - If I should be in haste it will be better for me to go down the north turnpike....
...M Jewett."