Monday, February 18, 2008

1819, Post Office in New York City

Feb. 3, 1819, Post Office New York City.

Fascinating handwritten letter from New York Postmaster Theodorus Bailey to R. J. Meigs, Esq., Post Master General.


"I have the pleasure to inform you that two of the mail robbers mentioned in my letter of yesterday (their names, Maurice and Bertrand, both Frenchmen) were this morning apprehended by two of our Police Officers, and are now under examination before our City Police magistrates - they found upon them, secreted in their Clothes, about one thousand dollars - the search not yet compleated. The third robber is also a Frenchman of the name of Doctr Henvie who it is believed is making his way for Philada..."

This letter can be found on Ebay Item number: 170193543296