Friday, February 08, 2008

Salt Family, Babcock Family, Platt Family.

Huge Family Archive of New York genealogy. 49 Handwritten Letters. Most To The Salt, Babcock and Platt Families. Most From: "Caddie" "Mollie" Your affectionate Son, Rev. William Salt" "Your affectionate Mother, Jane Salt" A few Friends Letters also. Most From Bath, Steuben Co. NY - Branchport New York, a few from Willink NY & a few from other locations. Letters 1872 - 1910. [30] 1800s - [19] 1900s. Letters Mention In Part: Train Travel - Domestic Life of cleaning house and clothing being sewn - "I bake the wedding cake" - Rochester for a flag, 5 ft by 10 cotton $2.50 - Rooms for .60 & I put the door in if we want it - I have a drive of a mile every morning to say mass at the Orphan Asylum - Farming - Mothers illness, give an injection, Dr won't say - Servant problems - Site seeing in Philadelphia - Quilting - Miss Van Valkenburg to the Sanitarium for broken down health - Roast Rooster for Thanksgiving - Dr. Pawling wouldn't go to see a dying woman unless the man payed him the three dollars he owned him, Dr. Grant went ..... - Bath NY in the spring described - The boys went to Russell's for an outing on their Wheels - Bukmans [?] factory partly burned - Had Typhoid Fever - House on Steward St. has Diphtheria - & Much More.

This fantastic group of letters is for sale on Ebay Item number: 330210198169.