Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Moses Jewett Burlington, Vermont Letter

18th Century letter from Moses Jewett, [of Burlington, Vermont], datelined New Ipswich, NH to his brother David Jewett of Jaffrey, NH.

Reads in part:

I tarryed to Peterboro three weeks after I left your house from thence I went to Fitchburg & tarryed there about the same time & have been at this place about a week...our journeywork is some lower than it has been...I am forced to exert myself the more

... with regard to my colt I have rested early thinking it was sold. I expect my mare is with fold now therefore you can get fourteen dollars for the red one, you may sell it...I will pay you for your trouble...

With regard to Sister Hannah's silk I have sent several times to Boston & have been a often disappointed there is not any in the country stores to be had & it cannot be obtained in Boston without the cash in hand. ...there is no cash to be obtained at present...I have engaged some hard ware for sisters saddles of Mr. Crosby...M. Jewett