Wednesday, April 09, 2008

David Parker, Shaker Village 1866

This letter is signed by Canterbury Trustee David Parker and is on a rare Shaker letterhead with an engraved illustration.

A letter to Fellows and Davis of Albany, dated “Shaker Village, N. H.” September 17, 1866, signed “With Perfect Respect, David Parker”.

Brother David responds to what must have been an offer to sell land by stating (perhaps tongue in cheek) that he had not intended “my letter as an offer, but if he had named one dollar in greenbacks, I am inclined to think we might have taken it”.

He suggests that he have an opportunity to examine the land first and goes on to state that “we are inclined to believe the land is heap and would be willing myself to invest there…” He also suggests that the owners or agents of the land contact write Benjamin Gates at New Lebanon, N. Y.