Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Schenectady, New York 1906 Letter

My Dear Little Woman, I have just filled up the stove with coal preparatory for ironing it is a lovely morning. I wish you and Jesse and the horse and wagon were .... drive out and get our dinner to ... but I might as well wish for a nugget of gold from the moon. Well I wonder how Jess is did the oil make him feel any better.

I reached home 10.20 Monday and I tell you between Troy & Sohen... dy it was a breezy ride the old gent had retired he is quite calm. I think it done him good to let him see that there was not rope on one .. staid on the oar and rode down to the marting room I got off at Harlett St so there was about half hour difference in our return did you know you put your comb in my back hair and I have it when I go down St. I will get you one like they wear here do not go and buy one.

Saty hon I wish you were here this morn and I would let the ironing go and we would go on the trolly to Ballston spa and look around then take another trolly and go over to Saratoga Springs and have a days outing or hire a horse and wagon and drive over to the burrying plot where the Hubbells lay for the last two centurys where your
great great and your great grandfathers have lain and rested in there last sleep your great great grandfathers name was Joseph and his wife was Ruth and your great grandfathers name was Inessimus and his wife was Charity and your Grandfather's name was Henry and his wife Sarah now you have the names of your ancestors for 2 generations if we all live we may some time be able to visit the burry plot they all have stones to mark there resting spots now Saty I will get ready for ironing hopeing I may realize what I would like and you with me I would like to have your
children see where there way back ancestors lay to your children Joseph Hubbell down to you is 5 back of them.

I do not know wether verry many can tell back as far as that or not I will close now for this time saying everything is quiet at present yesterday morn he laid out 12
dolars for rent I put 5 with it and paid the rent for 1 more month Do not buy you a comb I will go as soon as I can to get you one Your loving Mother

Addressed to: Mrs. J.T. Carpenter, Bennington, VT. It was postmarked from Schenectady, New York on September 5, 1906. Letter writer is Mother of "Saty". Saty and her husband Jesse apparently had moved away. Mother is lonely and misses them! Mother shared that their ancestry is the Hubbell Family. Great and poignant letter. I found this in an antique store.

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