Thursday, August 21, 2008

H.L. Roberts Civil War Letter

An original Civil War letter which includes the envelope which has the address of Cambridge Maryland. It is dated Load's Chester Co. Va, Dec 2 1862. The letter reads as follows:

My Dear Eliza,

I know you will think me a real good girl for replying to your long looked for letter so soon after its very welcome reception but I was so real glad to hear from you and I thought the very best way to convince you would be by letting you hear from me very soon I have very often thought of you this summer & sometimes was forced to the conclusion you had forgotten me surrounded by old friends.....I never have passed so quite a season nothing at all to relieve the monotony. Not even an occasional visit from our friends & relations in the Army. Exceptin John Potts poor fellow who was wounded as you know & home for a very little while but that was in September, July and August, were sad months of fearful suspense Sister Annie was with us during the month of August, & of course that was very plesant. The only comfort I had was in writing & receiving letter from my friends in the Army. Making things for the soldiers & keeping very busy about the house & on the Sabbath walking two miles to teach Sunday School.....I had time quietly to think of others besides myself & I hope I may have done some things which were profitable at least I have learned that life is both "real and earnest." Emma Bull came over to see me on Saturday I gave her your photograph with which she was delighted.......Our cousin Capt Heber Smith poor fellow had been sick but was quite well again how I do want to see him it seems so funny that he should be in the Army I have such a good potograph of him & like you I find my album a very great comfort......I am going to tell you next of my own dear Brother Dewees, poor fellow was sick in the Fall we were Oh so very anxious but I am thankful to say he is quite well again indeed has been in two & perhaps three quite little battles since down near Suffolk (where he is stationed) on the Black water River. He is Captain of his company now. And in West Chester at the Military Adacemy. A young Cadet to be sure so when next you see him he will have quite a military air & more than ever a beaux. He often speaks of "Miss Eliza," Our pleasant parties in Phila last winter will not be realized....None of our number will be there.....Capt Elliot you know is with Gen Pope, I've not heard from him very lately....I do wish this war over, I want so much to see my friends but I think now everything looks very dark. How do you feel in regard to the removal of Gen McClellan? I am so sorry indeed I fear it will have a very bad effect. My friends under him seem very much discouraged. However I will still hope for the best. Having great faith in Gen Burnside. Did you think of us all when the Rebels were in Penna? Everybody went to defend the state. Heber Bull took his horse and went as Cavalry indeed the excitement was intense I cannot say that I felt very much alarmed but still I suppose there was cause for fear but I have written already so long a letter you will wish you had never written me........Your Sincere friend H.L. Roberts.

This letter is on Ebay if you want to have a look.