Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kokomo Indiana Love Letters

Up for auction on Ebay is a group of 40 handwritten vintage love letters to a woman by the name of Daisy B. Smith who lived in Kokomo Indiana at the time these letters were written. The letters are written by her soon to be husband, Howard Spitzer who owns his own business in Mount Vernon Ohio called “Spitzer’s Shoe Parlors.” The earliest letter is dated March 21st, 1912 and the last letter September 1st, 1913 only 9 days before the couple gets married.

“Tampa Fla. March 21st, 1912

My Dear Friend,

…..I sure wish I lived close enough to you so we could take a moonlight ride. I am fond of them aren’t you. Well we will keep getting acquainted better every day and I am going to reveal a secret to you right here and I trust you will forgive me for not telling you sooner. Now hold your breath. Do you remember one time I wrote you and told you that I did not like the southern girls, however I was foolish enough one time to marry one and I am what some people call a grass widow. Now what do you think of that. We could not get along together so we called it quits. I know this will be quite a surprise to you and I have wanted to tell you for some time but have just put it off……I don’t believe you would be satisfied away from your people….I remain as ever, C. S. McCalister. Sunlight Mfg. Co.”

This group of letters would be a fantastic find for someone working on a Spitzer genealogy.