Sunday, March 15, 2009

Camp Pierpont 1861

Nov 28th, 1861 letter written at Camp Pierpont, Va. . Letter was written by Sam M Stricby.
He writes We have our tent built up 31/2 feet with poles and then dug down 11/2 feet in the ground and our tent set on poles and banked up around the poles with dirt and then a fire place in the bank and one bunk in the floor for 2 to sleep and one a bove for 2 more to sleep. As this was Thanksgiving for Pa., I was in the country at an old favorite place and had a splendid diner, it consisted of roast pork-fresh- stewd rabid, warm buisket mashed potatoes....I suppose you have the news of the 1st Pa R Cavelry at Dranesville the other side of us. They brought along 11 prisners past our camp next day most of them on foot and 2 other rebels wounded and left 2 ded in the field. Our men was 4 wounded, one of them was the assistant surgon of the hospital. more about camp life.

Sam M Stricby

This great old Civil War letter is for sale on Ebay Item number: 280321194537