Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Charles Lucius Anderson 1853

Letter reads in part:

"Lowell, October 18, 1853

Dear Mother,

Enclosed you will receive a letter which I received from Aunto Anna since I wrote you......there has been two sad accidents at the Fundry of late, by one of which a man had both his legs so badly crushed that they were both taken off above the knee, The other man was nearly killed by something falling upon his head and has since died.

...Governor Boutwell* delivered a political lecture in Huntington Hall last week. I think as the man grows older he improves in his manner of delivery. Aaran Blanchard spent last week at the Worlds Fair. Several went also from the Shop...

Since I wrote you last I have got my pay raised from seven shillings pr day to eight shillings pr day which I think will do very well till next spring. Next Pay day I shall receive $40.00 for my five weeks work.
...I like my boarding place very much...Charles Lucius Anderson"

Ebay item Item number: 370179113972