Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hezekiah Griffin Freedom Papers, Chillicothe

Chillicothe Jan30th 1823

I do certify that Hezekiah Griffin a yellow man abt 27 years of age is a free man and came by his freedom in the following manner viv He griffin ran off from his Master Gen Biggs of Virginia and came to this place was taken up by Major Beaty a friend of Gen Biggs was sold to me for 500$ cash this transaction was nowledged
since by Gen Biggs when in this place and further Hezekiah has paid me by his services and some money as whitness my hand.

Thomas James

J.L. Cummings


Hezekiah Griffin

Freedom Papers.

This interesting letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 160327299539. If Hezekiah Griffin was one of your ancestors this would make a great addition to your genealogy.