Monday, April 27, 2009

William M. Bambrick Denver Colorado 1860

Handwritten letter to brother from William M. Bambrick, Denver [Colorado], Dec. 22, 1860. Bambrick describes his hard-going existence.. He was sick during the summer, "my hair all come out." "I bought in to some claims in Neivad [Nevada] Gulch and made money on them. They froze up first of November. I worked two months and cleared $1.30."; "I worked day and night in my claims this fall. I worked six hours on and six hours off."; "You can see by the Mountain News that there are killings and hangings in Denver. There is considerable excitement here now about new mines in Mexico. A great many going there from here." Provisions coming in to Denver by train. "Hogs sell as high as horses."; "There is a prize fight come off in the mountains this fall in sight of where I was at work but I did not go to see it. They fought eight and was both badly hurt."

This letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 230339099522. If William M. Bambrick was one of your ancestors this letter would be a great addition to you family genealogy.