Monday, May 18, 2009


Interesting lot of 9 handwritten letters, 1837-1864, to Rev. Amos Snell, a Baptist Church elder in Westford, Windham County, Connectiicut and later South Wilbraham, Massachusetts. The letters are primarily personal nature letters from former Snell church members in a variety of locales.

Some of the highlights:
1840 Hillsboro, Illinois letter, 3pp., Sabria Bennett. The writer dislikes Illinois, the "Western Wildernes"; "...not an eastern family in this neighborhood all suckers...they are not our sort of people."; "O that we could see you and hear you blow the Gospel"; "We often hear the wolves howl near our cabin doors verry thick. Two have been killed so near the house we could hear them bleat like a calf."
1854 East Pembroke, New York, 2pp, legal, Charles Snell, brother. Fire at large tavern house of Edward Powers . "Burnt to ashes", killing young son.
1837 Stafford, CT, Jemima Hicks, 2pp., legal. Had typhus fever, now in poor health. Highly religious letter with a few poetic lines re Jesus. "I can hardly refrain from weeping when I think of the long suffering compassion of the savior towards me..." Mentions "poor sinners"; "Pilgrimage to the Celestial City" and laboring in the "vineyard of the Lord."
Fabulous autograph letter signed, "Asa Snow", Petersham [MA], Jan. 17, 1854, 1 1/4pp., plus 1p. letter of Snow's second wife, Eunice. The internet has some interesting background information on this strange inviidual, also known as Asa "Popcorn" Snow, including his main diet of popcorn and milk; suicide death of first wife Isabelle; and Snow's metal casket with viewing window (became a local tourist attraction.)

This great group of letters is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 230342789464.