Sunday, May 03, 2009


Lot of 4 handwritten, personal letters to Maria Branch -- two from mother, Mary F. Branch, Summerville, Chesterfield County, Virginia 1808; two from friends - Mary B. Royall, Locust Hill, 1821, and Selena Booker, Flat Rock, n.d. 9pp, 8" x 10", total. Brief content and excerpts:

1808, Mary F. Branch - Asks that Col. Clark bring Maria home at appointed time; a subject, "too delicate for distant discussion"; mentions Judith Woodson, E. Cunliffe; "Mr H was in a voilent (sic) pucker respecting his horse."; "Your letter is full of love from the pits." One letter with hand carried cover to Lucy Maria Branch, Col. Clark's, Powhatan.
1821, Mary B. Royall - Dr. Archer is busy, "taken up with courting." Has fine view of river where situated. "I am as contented as it is possible for a woman to be..." Hand carried cover to Maria in Summerville.
n.d. (c. early 1800s), Selena Booker - Writer upset, sister won't respond to letters. "They all seem to care so little for me."; "Will you believe me if I tell you that I have only one child. You know Maria I always told you that I did not intend to have any more for they are so much trouble."; "I am such a poor hardened siner. She I fear is like all the rest of you, cares nothing for poor Selena." Mentions Capts. Booker (husband?) and Taylor. Hand carrier cover to Maria Branch, Manchester VA.

This great group of Branch family letters is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 230339876693