Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lee family of Virginia

Three letters from the Lee family of Virginia. They include: (1) 2 pg. letter, November 28, 1789, Goochland, from Richard Lancelot Lee to his mother Betty Heale. In this letter Richard mentions he saw Kendall in Fredericksburg and that he ran into a Samuel Harding who had "lately been in the neighborhood of Ditchley & had heard that the family wee all tolerable well." He goes on to say that he sent Daniel (probably a slave) to buy some material for stockings, shoes, and a hat that he wishes to be made up for Tom. He mentions Kendall has a fine son about 6 weeks old. He gives compliments to his brother William. He adds that Daniel will carry down a horse for him and Arthur could take of the horse until he comes down. (2) A 2 pg. letter, March 12 1812, written by Louisa Lee to her aunt. The partial address indicates the aunt is "Mrs. Priscilla Edwards. The letter has much religious content. (3) A partial letter (no date) written by Judith B. Lee.

This great batch of Lee family letters is for sale on Ebay Item number: 280346604192