Monday, October 12, 2009


Letter signed, "Ann F Burns", Winchendon, Jan. 20, 1839, to Josiah W. Burns, Bakersfield, Vermont. The writer comments on her good health, poor sleighing "it is wheeling here now but rather rough"; and decision to stay in Winchendon:
"I got down here and my Brothers folks was very anxious I should stay and I have as good a home here as I can have any where. I have worked in the mill some since I have been here. When I come they was short for help in the weaving room and the Agent sent for me to go in to [two] or three times to go to weaving and he said he would settle with me any time when I wanted to go home. And when I am in the house I don't have my board to pay for and if I don't have work of my own to do I can take in sewing and get the money for it. But if I stay here next summer I shall work in the mill all the time only when I have work of my own to do because I can make it more profitable than I can sewing."

Ebay Item number: 230387161841