Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Feature Letter 1863 Civil War Letter from George B. Atkins to his father from Camp Douglas, Illinois

The Texas Republican
Camp Douglas
Chicago, Illinois

March 19, 1863

Dear Father

I write a letter to ARIE about a month ago, giving a statement of the condition of our company. Since then there have been so many changes in the prospects of nearly one half of us. When I wrote to Arie, there were two dead, H. T. WALKER and W. C. FORD. Since then ten more have departed this life, and now we have two at the hospital whose return, I fear, will be like the all the rest who have gone there; otherwise we are dong as well as could be expected—improving in health, getting plenty to eat, and receiving very good treatment. Money is scarce and no prospects of getting any, and of course, without it, we can procure none of the many delicacies we need when sick.

...continue reading 1863 Civil War Letter from George B. Atkins to his father from Camp Douglas, Illinois