Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Letter to Mrs. Mary Bradford and sister Sarah Jane, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, from Louisa, York Pennsylvania, 1839

York Friday Nov. 25th ‘39

— I cannot refrain from expressing my thanks, thus early, for it, nor from giving you, Sarah Jane, our particular thanks (which you well deserve) for urging dear Mrs Bradford to renew her determination of visiting us at Christmas – We have set our hearts upon seeing her then, and cannot be disappointed – Sally & Emy, I am sure, will not be happy without her.....

Miss Naudain left Town about a week since – she is a lively, pleasant girl, and probably may carry off one of our Beaux – certain it is, that Mr Barnits was very attentive to her, which, is all I have to found my supposition on. We are as yet without a stationed Clergyman — Mr Wallace who has preached here once, is expected this week, to remain six months upon trial – It is generally supposed that he will be continued, as he was universally liked, by those who heard him — On Sunday next, in addition to Mr Wallace; Mr Wolfe (the celebrated missionary), and Mr George Jones will preach here

... continue reading Letter to Mrs. Mary Bradford and sister Sarah Jane, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, from Louisa, York Pennsylvania, 1839