Sunday, January 17, 2010

St. Clair County Illinois 1804

Illinois postmarked letter dated St. Clair County Nov 5 1804, from Lawrence Shook, to John Gibson, Secretary, Vincennes, Indiana Territory, manuscript postmarked Cahokia, Illinois. The content reads, in part, as follows: "Permit me to inform you that about two years ago I [obtained a] right of 100 acres of land from Danl. McCann as assignee of Joseph Managre who was assigned of Jaque[s] Bartholomew, a militia man of St. Clair County, which right Governor [William Henry] Harrison confirmed in the year 1802. He also kept the right in order to issue an order of survey for the same, but the order was not obtained. Now the law requites that all claims of land should be presented to the Register of Land office as Kaskaskia before the 1st of Jan 1805. Therefore I earnestly request of yr. honor to send me the right, or a copy of the Governor's confirmation, so as I may be able to lay my claim before the Register before the time expires. Your Honor's goodness in so doing will highly obligate and support me, otherwise I shall undoubtedly lose my right ... [signed] Lawrence Shook."

This letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number:250559570389