Thursday, February 04, 2010

Washington D. C. 1854

“Washington D. C. April 4, 1854
Dear Sir,
I have been here 6 weeks and leave today for home, Ovid N.Y. I write to say I have a large amount of rolls not in your office or any other, nor copies of them. Mine are original authentic manuscript papers and rolls. I have a large amount of service that never before has been found. I will name Wagon Conductors in your state &c.
Roswell Ransom, Jonathan Treadway, Reuben Porter, Daniel Miles, Israel Skinner, John Waters, Benjamin Taylor, Obadiah Barker (or Barber), Noah Phelps, George Nettleton, Freeman Lincoln, Ichabod Massey, Longford Carty, Nathanial Platt, Samuel Risley, Noah Risley, Ephraim Hexford, Libbens Hills, Joshua Ransom, Josiah Loomis, Samuel Jones, Jonathan Townsend, David Phelps, Gershom Tuttle, Matthew Manchester, Clark Carty, and Henry Larnd.
I have hundreds more names of Wagon Masters and thousands of names of Teamsters and of others, ____as artificers and all the different branches of the army. I write mostly to give you this information that if you have enquiries for proof of such services as I name or if you are interested in any case where I have proof you can make it known to me. I would like to have you inform me whether the persons that I have named or their widows have been pensioned or did they fail to secure it or die too early. One thing is certain, and that is that I have more genuine authentic manuscript proof then any man in the union and could aid an agent more than any other person can in this way; this is in the way of proof. My rolls are of service from 1776 to the close of the war. Both North and South and middle states and eastern states. I would like to hear from you at Ovid N.Y. I am most respectfully , Arad Joy.
George Robinson Esq.”

This interesting letter is for sale on Ebay Item number:170438947237