Monday, September 27, 2010

Warwick New York 1840

May 1840. Warwick [New York]. An unusual document signed by fifteen musicians, members of the Warwick Brass and Reed Band. The top portion states “We the subscribers members of ‘The Warwick Brass & Reed band,’ unwilling, that the time & money expended for instruction should be lost, (which must inevitably be the case unless instruction is continued) or that our Band should become inferior to any other in the Co. (of a like age). Therefore, resolve to hire Mr. J. Marsh to continue his instructions for six months from the termination of his present engagement, giving a lesson of two Evenings every four weeks for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves collectively to Cornelius Henry Demorest, Benj. C. Burg & Gilbert W. Roe, who are hereby authorized to make the engagement with Mr. March. Dated Warwick May 1840.”

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