Monday, December 06, 2010

Florence, Kansas 1886

Letter handwritten by JOHN M. ARCHER of Florence, Kansas - KS and dated January 7, 1886. The letter was written to Reverend John W. Hancher. Archer must have replaced Hancher as the town preacher as he mentions the town is struggling to pay him. He also states that Florence is a queer city in church matters. He tells Hancher that he has many friends but he's concerned about the chuch wanting to run to all the things of a Godless character. Details of the letter below:

Florence, Kansas
Jan. 7th, 1886
Bro. Hancher:
Pardon my long delay in replying to your last. I am truly sorry to hear from you as being so nearly incapacitated for duty. May God sustain you in your affliction. I hope you are better ? this. I am succeeding after a moderate rate. Florence is struggling to pay the preacher as usual! She is a queer city in church matters. Did you get all your pay here. How did Martin stand by you? Bro Hartenan gives a rather blue acct of him. He has been true as steel to me. How did you like F. anyhow? I have many friends here but somehow the church wants to run to all the things of a Godless character. I never had such a charge.

All send you greeting and sympathy. That was all right concerning that business point. I hope you will succeed grandly. Our conference convenes March 11th at McPhersons. Bro Walden, Pres,. We have four districts. I am one of the examiners for 2 year. I have “Logie” and “Harman’s Introduction” to examine in. 30 acres, 15 ? book, Cliue? Is ?. Dr. M. is going into the traveling co? this Spring. His enemies are chuckling over it considerably. Moore, Owens, Van Laudwig ? and some others have guilt their work on account of sickness and money making. Will write again soon. Give our love and ? to Mrs. H. May God bless you,
Your Bro in Christ
John M. Archer

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