Saturday, March 27, 2004

F. W. Pitkin to Mary Ann Lewis, c/o Lewis Hotchkiss, Connecticut, 1831

This stampless letter has a circular date stamp for Hartford Ct, a 'pointing hand' PAID, a handwritten 10 cent rate, and is addressed to Miss Mary Ann Lewis, care of Lewis Hotchkiss, Esqr., New Haven, and is a two+ page letter written by F.W. Pitkin.

The headline is East Hartford, April 11th 1831.

The writer was Frances Pitkin, sister of Samuel Pitkin (a state legislator) who married Mary Ann Lewis.

Some abstracts:

"The revival in this place still continues, Mr. Mead numbers sixty that are rejoicing in hope, and many more are anxious. Mr. Hawes of Hartford gave us an excellent sermon yesterday afternoon."

"Formerly he [brother] underwent almost every degree of fatigue and exposure ... rarely returns from New York without a cold, a swat of flaxseed tea however, in his case, effects a rapid cure."

"Excuse me from writing more at this time as it is Monday morning and I am informed that they are waiting for me in the kitchen to commence operations with my patent washing machine, a great and wonderful improvement, saving much time and hard labour, and moreover a very edifying & interesting process to Spectators."