Thursday, April 15, 2004

Joseph Bloomfield, New Jersey 1802

Joseph Bloomfield of Bloomington NJ Letter (Rev. War, Officer, Attorney, Gov. NJ)

The letter reads:

April 12, 1802

I thank you my dear Sir for your favor of 6th current-for your attention to the case of Lieut. Howard of which I had received notice from Col. Ogden & for ????? of the proposed Judiciary Bill which I hope will pass. A person to whom I had loaned it has given some outlines of it in the Trenton paper of tomorrow & which is enclosed.

I do not wish to be troublesome or impertinently intrusive, in recommending characters, but I will venture to mention the situation & pretensions of Mr. ????? Coxe to the notice of government. The repeal of the internal taxes does away the office of Collector under the Supervisor, by which Mr Coxe will be thrown out of the Collector's office for Philadelphia under the appointment of the Supervisor, and And in a great measure of the means of supporting a most amiable wife & a large family of Children.

The defense of our interests against Lord Sheffield-his view of our revenue -his active & zealous promotion of the election of Governor McKean & the late Federal & presidential elections are universally acknowledged & it is well known that no person has more successfully pursued the investigation of our manufacturing commercial and agricultural interests than Mr. Coxe.

The abolition of the present office & removal from his former office of Commissioner of the Revenue, the first and most conspicuous Sacrifice made of him-his banishment in a great measure from his family connections who have separated themselves from him as ????? of his sentiments and decided conduct in favor of the cause of Republicanism, there will be an inducement to bring him ????? and again into office.

I beg of you to be assured that I have no other interest in writing this letter than a conviction that Mr. Coxe deserves some attention from government-that he be not forgotten, but that his talents & indefatigable industry be usefully employed for the public good. Having no personal acquaintance, I cannot take the liberty of addressing the President in favor of Mr. Coxe, but you have encouraged me to declare my sentiments of Men & public characters.

In writing this I have discharged my duty & you will do what is proper on all Occasions.