Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Portland Oregon 1911 Letter

"Portland Oregon August 28th, 1911

Mr. Walter Beattie,

My Dear Brother,

I received your long looked for letter Friday so glad to hear once more from you and yours only so sorry to hear of Dear Mothers death, although I never remember her as my mother, yet I have still that daughter love in my heart that rightly belonged to her. I had a good cry when I read your letter because I had been thinking in my own mind so strongly that as soon as the girls had got a little larger, I should have tried so hard some way to have made the trip home to see Dear Mother and you folks, so it went pretty hard to think I shall never see her…..How is Anna now a days and all the dear little ones? We are all fine. Doctor is busy most of the time, he is real well, he weighs 196 pounds…..You all can remember her, but as for me you know just how it is better than I do…..Dear Brother tell me about mother’s sickness and death and tell me when she died, you know if you were away from all the home folks as I am your heart would ache as mine does many and many a times a week without any of the family knowing anything about what a heavy heart I have. You, nor anyone else can’t understand these things as I do. The only thing that keeps me up as I do, is the ever lasting arms of Jesus that are always ready to help us in our lonely moments……bye with any amount of kisses.xxxxxxxx"