Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Mr. Christopher W. Wilder Bridgeton ME

This great old letter is addressed to "Mr. Christopher W. Wilder Bridgeton ME" but you will also find the words "Haverhill Mass" written across the front but crossed out. It also says "To the care of Mr. Daviz Carriage Trimmer Please forward this." Then on the backside of the address is a handwritten note that says "I thought I would direct this so there might be no danger of it’s being miscarried."

As far as the letter is concerned it is a three page letter dated 1848 and written by his sister Elizabeth who is in Lancaster. I’ve quoted a small portion of it below to give you a better idea of the contents, as follows;

"Lancaster Feb.25th, 1848

Brother Christopher,

Nearly three months having elapsed since I wrote to you without receiving an answer to my epistle or any other tidings of your welfare. I can wait no longer, but again address you hoping to ascertain the cause of such delays. Has sickness debilitated your frame and prostrated your powers of mind? Or have you found one whose good fortune it may be to render the part a sister would wish to fulfill more pleasant and more faithfully performed. I have long feared that the former was the case of your neglect and thought how happy I should be if such were your misfortune if I could be so situated as to fulfill the office of that affectionate sister who was so early taken from you, but as misfortune of various kinds would have rendered that impossible, still I can assure you that you are not forgotten in any condition ……I know little of the society of Haverhill but suppose like all other large towns, it has it’s temptations as well as allurements to the path of virtue and happiness. But I am happy to find that you profess a turned up mind which is little calculated to relish the pleasures of that class who are ever looking to the scenes of gaiety for their happiness, for although I believe some amusements are necessary to refresh the worried mind at times and invigorate the physical nature of man, yet those who look for happiness from such a source are often lead to repent of their folly………Please favor me with a speedy answer as I shall wait with much anxiety to hear from you. This from your sister, Elizabeth B. Wilder."

This great old letter can be found on Ebay Item number: 170197656010. If you want to place a bid on the letter just follow one of the links to Ebay on this blog.