Saturday, January 31, 2009

Carroll Benton in Boston 1908

Letter dated "Upton Ranch, LaCinta Canyon, Solano, N.M." [New Mexico], October 11, 1908, written from a lady named Irene to her friend Carroll Benton in Boston. She describes some aspects of ranch life and family news, and then casually mentions "We had two shooting scrapes in one day this week & as I happened to be in town when the first started up, I came near not getting home. A Texan sheriff came in after a saloon keeper, the saloon keeper swiped a horse and beat it out of town with a 30-30 across his saddle. After him two sheriffs with six shooters drawn, then five minutes later four more joined the party. The man headed right for the canyon and of course we couldnt go home on account of possible shooting. Same night our town blacksmith got drunk and went after the Texan sheriff on an old score and shot up town before he was arrested".

This fantastic leter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 200302264010. This would make a great addition to your genealogy if you are related to Carroll Benton.