Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Wake County, North Carolina 1803, Sam Johns

Handwritten letter dated May 15th 1803, on the front signed by John Tallen, William Eamle, Joseph Hannes. On the back is a recording of the Clerks office in the book of Wills, Black Sams pass, negro Sam signed Allen Trimble June 1811.

*The front of the letter is as follows:

May 15th 1803 Wake County of State of North Carolina know all men by these presents that we the justases of the peace do sartifi that the barer of these lines is entitled to freedom & we desire that all may let him pass as he behaves sivle his name is Sam calling himself Sam Johns and he further informs us that he wants to travel to the Western Country and we desire that all may let him pass for he a good hard working honest in dustres fellow.

Signed by us, John Tallen, William Eamle, Joseph Hannes

*On the back of the letter is as follows:

Highland County Ohio Recorder in the Clerks office of the Common ( ) of ( ) County in the book of Wills ( ) Allen Trimble ( ) June 1811 Black Sams pass Negro Sam

This fantastic letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 160312865866.