Thursday, February 12, 2009

Indian Agent of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency

The writer is D.B. Dyer, Indian Agent of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, I.T. (Indian Territory). This agency was located at Darlington, now Oklahoma.

The letter is dated Feb. 7, 1885 and is addressed to Hannah Hardin of Shawneetown, Indian Territory.

The text concerns payments for the care of "Mary and Annie".
"Yours of 24th ultimo just reached me and I enclose herewith draft for 52.57 to pay for board etc of Mary and Annie from Nov 1st/84 to Jan 31/85 inclusive. Your receipts were not made correctly please send me new ones same as sample I enclose. I also send copy for next quarter's account. I am Respectfully, D.B. Dyer, Guardian and Indian Agent"

The letter written on the letterhead of the United States Indian Service.

This letter is for sale on Ebay Item number: 300291776597.