Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Philinda Ford 1846

1846 folded letter from Philinda Ford, to her sister Miss August S Ford in Binghamton New York. News letter with talking of children, weddings, and other local news-she is attending a lecture by a blind lady from Michigan on the influence of females.

Ebay Item number: 160331352128

Monday, April 27, 2009

William M. Bambrick Denver Colorado 1860

Handwritten letter to brother from William M. Bambrick, Denver [Colorado], Dec. 22, 1860. Bambrick describes his hard-going existence.. He was sick during the summer, "my hair all come out." "I bought in to some claims in Neivad [Nevada] Gulch and made money on them. They froze up first of November. I worked two months and cleared $1.30."; "I worked day and night in my claims this fall. I worked six hours on and six hours off."; "You can see by the Mountain News that there are killings and hangings in Denver. There is considerable excitement here now about new mines in Mexico. A great many going there from here." Provisions coming in to Denver by train. "Hogs sell as high as horses."; "There is a prize fight come off in the mountains this fall in sight of where I was at work but I did not go to see it. They fought eight and was both badly hurt."

This letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 230339099522. If William M. Bambrick was one of your ancestors this letter would be a great addition to you family genealogy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Connecticut Regiment Heavy Artillery

Agroup of ten letters from family members to David Sharpe of Company B, First Connecticut Regiment Heavy Artillery. Two are dated 1858, and the rest 1861-1863, with a total of 31 pages. Filled with news from home from his brother, sister, father and mother in Seymour, Connecticut, about the war, other soldiers from the neighborhood, and family news. The family shows its patriotism, faith in God and satisfaction with freeing the slaves. David originally joined the 4th Connecticut Volunteers under General Banks in 1861, which was then re-organized in 1862 as the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery. The regiment served 1861-64 in the defense of Washington, the Peninsular Campaign [Yorktown and Fair Oaks] and at Petersburg and Richmond. In all, the lot includes ten letters, average size 5 x 8 1/2, with folds, an additional letter in envelope dated 1871, and news clippings from the regiment's return to Connecticut in 1864, and Sharpe's obituary in 1926.

This fantastic group of Sharpe family letters is for sale on Ebay Item number: 200332059504

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Turbutt Francis, Philadelphia 1773

Letter signed, "Turbutt Francis", Philadelphia, Aug. 19, 1773, 1p., legal, with hand carried cover to Peter Kacklien, Esq, Sheriff of Northampton. Content re delivering bond in exchange for articles of Mr. Allen. "Do let me know your intentions as neglecting to give me an immediate answer will be ading one injury to another." Also mentions 500 acres under lease to Manning.

This letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 230336640148

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hezekiah Griffin Freedom Papers, Chillicothe

Chillicothe Jan30th 1823

I do certify that Hezekiah Griffin a yellow man abt 27 years of age is a free man and came by his freedom in the following manner viv He griffin ran off from his Master Gen Biggs of Virginia and came to this place was taken up by Major Beaty a friend of Gen Biggs was sold to me for 500$ cash this transaction was nowledged
since by Gen Biggs when in this place and further Hezekiah has paid me by his services and some money as whitness my hand.

Thomas James

J.L. Cummings


Hezekiah Griffin

Freedom Papers.

This interesting letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 160327299539. If Hezekiah Griffin was one of your ancestors this would make a great addition to your genealogy.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Chicago to Peru 1852

A travel letter from Chicago to Peru [Illinois], from a wife to husband, Peru, Feb. 29, 1852. The writer, travelling with her sister, describes a night in a hotel -- bitten by bugs, loud men with a drunken one stating he's going to sleep in their room. They retrieve scissors and shove the trunk by the door. The following morning they take the stage from Aurora -- gentleman passengers; Ottawa bridge torn away; mudhole; Joliet stage; coach sicknessness; no food. A few passengers get out to walk and are retrieved by the stage a few hours later at a stranger's house.

Ebay Item number: 230335308063

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

New York House of Refuge 1883

New York House of Refuge Letterhead - Handwritten letter, Dec. 12, 1883, signed W. C. Steele, sent to F. A. Fidler, Esq. A letter of apology, it reads in part, "I am heartily sorry that a playful remark interjected into one of my Lectures should have been the means of causing pain to any one, least of all yourself or the excellent young lady chosen by my friend Bro Strater for his companion in Christian labor..."; "I heard that some over-sensitive person had misinterpreted the aullusion...Mr. Strater is a man of noble qualities of head and heart..."

This fine old letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 230334856333

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Rio Vista, Henrcio County, Virginia

Rio Vista, Henrcio County, Virginia, Nov. 7, 1886. E. F. Warren to friend, Mina. The writer describes the family move from Jefferson and new home in Rio Vista -- wood now is scarce "little round sticks"; woodwork in house almost black with dirt; no near neighbors -- & comments on the help, "Mother and I do it now [cooking]. There were too many colored folks hanging around to suit us, as long as a colored woman worked here. We have a colored man to work here all the time, but he eats by himself and sleeps in the old house where the servants used to do the cooking.

This interesting old letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 230334416880

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Charles Lucius Anderson 1853

Letter reads in part:

"Lowell, October 18, 1853

Dear Mother,

Enclosed you will receive a letter which I received from Aunto Anna since I wrote you......there has been two sad accidents at the Fundry of late, by one of which a man had both his legs so badly crushed that they were both taken off above the knee, The other man was nearly killed by something falling upon his head and has since died.

...Governor Boutwell* delivered a political lecture in Huntington Hall last week. I think as the man grows older he improves in his manner of delivery. Aaran Blanchard spent last week at the Worlds Fair. Several went also from the Shop...

Since I wrote you last I have got my pay raised from seven shillings pr day to eight shillings pr day which I think will do very well till next spring. Next Pay day I shall receive $40.00 for my five weeks work.
...I like my boarding place very much...Charles Lucius Anderson"

Ebay item Item number: 370179113972