John Wesley letter dated Aug. 31, 1788 Item number: 260159987249
This letter is from John Wesley, co founder of the methodist church to Mr. Atlay. Dated Aug. 31. 1788, written in Bristol and sent to West Chapel London. Wesley is begging Mr Atlay to help Geo Whitfield instead of fighting him and mentions that Welsey's death is nothing to the purpose.
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Find your roots and hear your ancestors' words across the generations. Discover your origins in old letters as ancestors tell their stories and reveal family relationships, past events, moments in time and details of family history. Add branches to your family tree as you search your ancestry and build your genealogy.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Old documents dated 1907 New York, Albany Letters
old letters to and from Judge John Brady, founder of the childrens court in New York State. Most dated 1907. Two pictured from the New York Training school for girls in New York State from the superintendent. Also from an Attorney in New York State Frank E Wade, from Buffulo, New York
Item number: 200151251318
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Item number: 200151251318
To bid on this or another genealogy item, click on E-Bay link on this blog
Sunday, September 09, 2007
American Red Cross Letter 1919 to Bertha Gilkeson, Pennsylvania
American Red Cross Letter 1919 to Miss Bertha V. Gilkeson, Pennsylvania about knitting for refugees
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Item number: 320154178058
If you want to bid on this genealogy item or any other, just use the E-Bay links on this blog
Item number: 320154178058
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
George Webb, Richmond Virginia in 1788
COLONIAL DOCUMENTS & LETTERS 1791-1817, Virginia, Washington DC
2 Original Letters to James Pleasants, 58 Slave Names Item number: 190148199134
These very old documents and letters concern a matter 900 pounds (plus) that went missing from monies collected a a George Webb, esq, in Richmond Virginia in 1788. He held the position as Continential Receiver of Taxes for the the city, and he was required to send certain monies due on to the Treasry of the US (Alexander Hamilton, Secty of the Treasury). 3 of the Letters are originals and the rest are attested copies made and withnessed and signed with dates in the early 1800's This missing money became a problem for Webb and his family and for the US Treasury and suits and Indentures were innitiated.
The first two longer document deal with Webbs claim to have this missing money reimbursed. Evidently the claim has gone to the Federal Govt. and these two document are copies made in the House of Representataive on August 8, l811. They are identical copies (different handwriting?) They cover several important documents on file, one of which gives Alexander Hamilton's opinion of the matter of reimbusement. He thinks the petition was filed too late from the time the moneies went missing and he has signed his opinion in l791. At the end a petition is copied and dated l798, for the matter to be submitted to a Congressional Committee
There is also reference to the fact that the monies collected from Va were kept in a iron chest of some sort. One of these documents seems older, with a fancier calligraphy, more crossouts, and more fragile than the other, but both are attested as copies made on August 8, 1822. Many signatures are contained and need research. Of the three original letters, two are addressed to James Pleasants and are dated 1815 and 1817 .
One is from George Webb's son Thomas Webb Lt. US Navy pleading his fathers case to Senator Pleasants and writing of the Webb families depleted circumstances. The 1817 one is from a David Ross. he refers to the "old business of Webbs" and suggests the claims of the US against Webb be settled by Congress. Ross is mintioned in the other material and reasearch of these documents will spell out exactly where he fits in. Note the postmark of Richmond and red seal of wax on the Webb letter. These two letters are dated and signed originals, written to a Senator Pleasants who served as a Congressman from 1811 to 1819 and then as Senator from 1819 to 1822. He was also Governor of Virginia from 1822-1825, after which he retired to his estate in Goochland County.
The third original letter is to a Mr. S. Burch from a William Kerr, Jr. and dated April 13th l824. this is about some 630 copies of the "Georgia Claim Documents" for the House of Respresentatives from a Senate copy." Although each member of the House was furnished with a copy, but a table was missing ad it will be sent up in the morning. Burch is mentioned in some of the other documents so again research has to tell the tale.
The 7 remaining documents are copies of other depositions, letters, affidavits, sworn statements etc. that were all needed in the suit by Webb for the missing money and also the suits against Webb by the US Government for the money that should have come to A. Hamilton as Treasurer.
Number 1 is Mr. Webbs Deposition written from NY Çity and signed Peyton Drew, 1811; (5 written pages)
2. "Mr Ronalds Deposition, a copy:" Ronalds talks about the fact that George Webb told him of the loss (robbery of the money about 800 pounds) and mentions a kinsman Foster Webb and a Major Damure, who probably took the money from the chest. He doesn't receommend that Webb have Damure apprehended because there is not enough proof.
3. & 4. The ink on this small docebb if they be found within your balliwick" and keep them safe to be brought before the county seat of Henrica the first Sunday in July to satisfy of suit of a David Ross and dated May 1788 and signed Adam Craif. It is reutrned to him a copy attested to. There is another doument just like it but with different money numbers in it
5. "Mr Morriss Certificate". This letter is a testament to the fact that George Webb was the receiver of Taxes for the state of Virginia appointed by Mr. Morris superintendent of Finances for the US and that he served until Nov. 1784 and possibly after. He support Webbs request for more compensation. Written from NY, Feb l9th, l789. It was copied by Peyton Drew in Feb l811.
6. "Foster Webb's Deposition A copy". It starts out "Virginia New Kent County Seat". Very interesting depositon about the stolen 900 + pounds. Apparently Foster Webb was employed by George Webb and the monies from Va. passed through his hands and was kept in the room where he slept. At the time of the robbery a Frederick de Demar resided at this house and was in poor health, a British Major, and likely the robber of the monies. Foster Webb signs it and Jos Forter and William H. Macon sign as takers of the deposition. Edmund Randolph the Gov. of Virginia also signs it. The copy was made and signed by Peyton Drew, DGD, the 12th fo July 1811. This deposition sets up the robbery by Demar.
7. "Webb to Webb, Deed Trust". This indenture was made on June 2, 1787, between George Webb, John Harvie, George Thompson and Foster WEbb. In short the doument states that the missing monies have not been paid to the US Treas. and shortly a suilt will be instituted for a bond signed by the above John Harrie. The amount at this point is 1500lbs and several other names are mentioned as tied up with George Webb. The document goes on to list Webb's assets in land where Geo WEbb Jr. now lives and his ownership of "58 Negro Slaves" all of which are listed by name The slaves live on two plantations on the listed acreage. It also lists cattle, hogs, tools etc. this goes on two more pages in legalese and is signed by George Webb and witness by Marshall McGraw Fucher and Price, 12th day of December l787, the copy made and signed by Peyton Drew
2 Original Letters to James Pleasants, 58 Slave Names Item number: 190148199134
These very old documents and letters concern a matter 900 pounds (plus) that went missing from monies collected a a George Webb, esq, in Richmond Virginia in 1788. He held the position as Continential Receiver of Taxes for the the city, and he was required to send certain monies due on to the Treasry of the US (Alexander Hamilton, Secty of the Treasury). 3 of the Letters are originals and the rest are attested copies made and withnessed and signed with dates in the early 1800's This missing money became a problem for Webb and his family and for the US Treasury and suits and Indentures were innitiated.
The first two longer document deal with Webbs claim to have this missing money reimbursed. Evidently the claim has gone to the Federal Govt. and these two document are copies made in the House of Representataive on August 8, l811. They are identical copies (different handwriting?) They cover several important documents on file, one of which gives Alexander Hamilton's opinion of the matter of reimbusement. He thinks the petition was filed too late from the time the moneies went missing and he has signed his opinion in l791. At the end a petition is copied and dated l798, for the matter to be submitted to a Congressional Committee
There is also reference to the fact that the monies collected from Va were kept in a iron chest of some sort. One of these documents seems older, with a fancier calligraphy, more crossouts, and more fragile than the other, but both are attested as copies made on August 8, 1822. Many signatures are contained and need research. Of the three original letters, two are addressed to James Pleasants and are dated 1815 and 1817 .
One is from George Webb's son Thomas Webb Lt. US Navy pleading his fathers case to Senator Pleasants and writing of the Webb families depleted circumstances. The 1817 one is from a David Ross. he refers to the "old business of Webbs" and suggests the claims of the US against Webb be settled by Congress. Ross is mintioned in the other material and reasearch of these documents will spell out exactly where he fits in. Note the postmark of Richmond and red seal of wax on the Webb letter. These two letters are dated and signed originals, written to a Senator Pleasants who served as a Congressman from 1811 to 1819 and then as Senator from 1819 to 1822. He was also Governor of Virginia from 1822-1825, after which he retired to his estate in Goochland County.
The third original letter is to a Mr. S. Burch from a William Kerr, Jr. and dated April 13th l824. this is about some 630 copies of the "Georgia Claim Documents" for the House of Respresentatives from a Senate copy." Although each member of the House was furnished with a copy, but a table was missing ad it will be sent up in the morning. Burch is mentioned in some of the other documents so again research has to tell the tale.
The 7 remaining documents are copies of other depositions, letters, affidavits, sworn statements etc. that were all needed in the suit by Webb for the missing money and also the suits against Webb by the US Government for the money that should have come to A. Hamilton as Treasurer.
Number 1 is Mr. Webbs Deposition written from NY Çity and signed Peyton Drew, 1811; (5 written pages)
2. "Mr Ronalds Deposition, a copy:" Ronalds talks about the fact that George Webb told him of the loss (robbery of the money about 800 pounds) and mentions a kinsman Foster Webb and a Major Damure, who probably took the money from the chest. He doesn't receommend that Webb have Damure apprehended because there is not enough proof.
3. & 4. The ink on this small docebb if they be found within your balliwick" and keep them safe to be brought before the county seat of Henrica the first Sunday in July to satisfy of suit of a David Ross and dated May 1788 and signed Adam Craif. It is reutrned to him a copy attested to. There is another doument just like it but with different money numbers in it
5. "Mr Morriss Certificate". This letter is a testament to the fact that George Webb was the receiver of Taxes for the state of Virginia appointed by Mr. Morris superintendent of Finances for the US and that he served until Nov. 1784 and possibly after. He support Webbs request for more compensation. Written from NY, Feb l9th, l789. It was copied by Peyton Drew in Feb l811.
6. "Foster Webb's Deposition A copy". It starts out "Virginia New Kent County Seat". Very interesting depositon about the stolen 900 + pounds. Apparently Foster Webb was employed by George Webb and the monies from Va. passed through his hands and was kept in the room where he slept. At the time of the robbery a Frederick de Demar resided at this house and was in poor health, a British Major, and likely the robber of the monies. Foster Webb signs it and Jos Forter and William H. Macon sign as takers of the deposition. Edmund Randolph the Gov. of Virginia also signs it. The copy was made and signed by Peyton Drew, DGD, the 12th fo July 1811. This deposition sets up the robbery by Demar.
7. "Webb to Webb, Deed Trust". This indenture was made on June 2, 1787, between George Webb, John Harvie, George Thompson and Foster WEbb. In short the doument states that the missing monies have not been paid to the US Treas. and shortly a suilt will be instituted for a bond signed by the above John Harrie. The amount at this point is 1500lbs and several other names are mentioned as tied up with George Webb. The document goes on to list Webb's assets in land where Geo WEbb Jr. now lives and his ownership of "58 Negro Slaves" all of which are listed by name The slaves live on two plantations on the listed acreage. It also lists cattle, hogs, tools etc. this goes on two more pages in legalese and is signed by George Webb and witness by Marshall McGraw Fucher and Price, 12th day of December l787, the copy made and signed by Peyton Drew
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