This letter home, from Harvard medical student HW [Henry Wise] Farley, contains a lengthy and detailed first-person account
Farley describes leaving Ipswich for his boarding house on Newbury St., Boston. He lugs his heavy trunk a quarter mile, has little sleep for a few days, and then attempts to bring the trunk up "three pair of stairs, high Boston stories."
"You might, perhaps, in a still time have heard my heart beat at their bottom. I was astonished, agonized; it seemed to be impatient of its narrow prison. In fact I had a serious fit of palpitation...I found next day that when I went up stairs I had pain or distress in my breast accompanied more or less with horrid forebodings. This distressed my mind exceedingly. It increased momently; I dreaded to go up a stair, my heart beat hard only at sight to them. By Saturday evening I was so violently affected that I with difficulty reached my room..."
"I was firmly persuaded I had an incurable disease of the heart. I had nothing but remorse for past excesses in exercise, excessive pain for the present, and gloomy apprehensions for the future."
Fortuitously, at this time Farley is visited by another boarding house student who had "a similar case". He advised Farley to "take no medicine, compared my own case with his own, called them both hysterics hyppo, told me he had recovered. In a moment I was nearly so, myself."
War of 1812 - AWOL Soldiers Executed at Fort
"As to going in a privateer or other vessel I have by no means given up the idea...yet as I am now considerably interested in the lectures I should like to get thro with them first."; "On Thursday last two unfortunate runaway rogues of soldiers were shot at one of the forts. This likely and will frequently happen...Two more I understand are sentenced for next Thursday."
Harvard Students
"About 60 attend the lectures among which are every sort of contour of countenance that ever happened, I believe, except handsome ones...proof positive that deep philosophic, thinking pates, seldom have the commonly much valued yet insignificant addition of a pleasing face. Among these heroes of science, your very humble servant cuts no very disrespectable figure."
Also mentions buying a five dollar half ticket in the Union Canal lottery.

Find your roots and hear your ancestors' words across the generations. Discover your origins in old letters as ancestors tell their stories and reveal family relationships, past events, moments in time and details of family history. Add branches to your family tree as you search your ancestry and build your genealogy.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
John Cushing Letters
Three letters addressed to JOHN CUSHING, ESQ. All letters are asking his help in their dire need for money and help.
The first letter., folded into a stampless cover, and hand carried to Cushing at Durham., portion of the red sealing wax still on the letter., written by an American patriot Jacob Rowell., [~~He was a Sgt in Capt. John Blunt's Company., defending the frontiers of Lincoln County.] His letter dated at Salesbury, March 1789 stating that he is nearly out of patience waiting for an answer to his last letter, stating too that he is in great straights.
The next letter dated at North Yarmouth, March 16, 1787 also saying he is in trouble and needs help., signed by William Buchnam.
The third letter is longer and from Jacob Boardman., dated Newburyport, Jan 20, 1800 also expressing need for help. .
The first letter., folded into a stampless cover, and hand carried to Cushing at Durham., portion of the red sealing wax still on the letter., written by an American patriot Jacob Rowell., [~~He was a Sgt in Capt. John Blunt's Company., defending the frontiers of Lincoln County.] His letter dated at Salesbury, March 1789 stating that he is nearly out of patience waiting for an answer to his last letter, stating too that he is in great straights.
The next letter dated at North Yarmouth, March 16, 1787 also saying he is in trouble and needs help., signed by William Buchnam.
The third letter is longer and from Jacob Boardman., dated Newburyport, Jan 20, 1800 also expressing need for help. .
Monday, March 17, 2008
Boston 1833, Mrs. Isham of Taunton
Autograph letter signed, "B B Wisner", Boston, April 11, 1833.
The letter, sent to an unknown recipient, regards an upcoming Convention of Congregational Ministers and reads in part:
"I wish, thro' you, to inform the Central Committee, & the Committee of the Congregational Charitable Society, that Mrs. Isham of Taunton deceased last fall. She has left one child, a daughter, 8 years old, with no means of support whatever; which has been taken by a maiden sister of Mrs. I., who supports herself by teaching school. An allowance is needed for this child.
This great old bosten letter is for sale on Ebay Item number: 170202111020.
The letter, sent to an unknown recipient, regards an upcoming Convention of Congregational Ministers and reads in part:
"I wish, thro' you, to inform the Central Committee, & the Committee of the Congregational Charitable Society, that Mrs. Isham of Taunton deceased last fall. She has left one child, a daughter, 8 years old, with no means of support whatever; which has been taken by a maiden sister of Mrs. I., who supports herself by teaching school. An allowance is needed for this child.
This great old bosten letter is for sale on Ebay Item number: 170202111020.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Seymore Connecticut, 1853
Seymore Connecticut, December 4 1853, from George B. Glendining to Charles W. Gillette.
[In part:]
"My Dear Charles,
The multiplicity of business must be my apology for not answering your kind letter
...the days pass so rapidly that everything appears a dream to me.
Every desk is occupied and more too as Paddy says continual applications are made by good fellows - old scholars - but there is not room -;
several take French, Spanish, Latin, Geometry, Surveying & Book Keeping in the evening, so that all my time is occupied. We have 13 Boarders, and all together a pretty large family.
George has not commenced yet, and were he anyone else, he could not come in, but I must accommodate him some way.
Charles Johnson is at home pursuing his studies on account of his eyes...
Did George or any of them give you an account of the very delightful time we had a little time ago? Such devastation and destruction must be seen to be realized for words would fail to characterize them. Out place had its share of troubles, but probably less than most others in the Naugatuck Valley.
I received the Catalogue...Now just exercise your Knowledge box and give me a nice long letter... George B. Glendining"
This Great old letter is to be found on Ebay Item number: 290213173741. If you want to see it or bid on it just follow one of the links on this Blog.
[In part:]
"My Dear Charles,
The multiplicity of business must be my apology for not answering your kind letter
...the days pass so rapidly that everything appears a dream to me.
Every desk is occupied and more too as Paddy says continual applications are made by good fellows - old scholars - but there is not room -;
several take French, Spanish, Latin, Geometry, Surveying & Book Keeping in the evening, so that all my time is occupied. We have 13 Boarders, and all together a pretty large family.
George has not commenced yet, and were he anyone else, he could not come in, but I must accommodate him some way.
Charles Johnson is at home pursuing his studies on account of his eyes...
Did George or any of them give you an account of the very delightful time we had a little time ago? Such devastation and destruction must be seen to be realized for words would fail to characterize them. Out place had its share of troubles, but probably less than most others in the Naugatuck Valley.
I received the Catalogue...Now just exercise your Knowledge box and give me a nice long letter... George B. Glendining"
This Great old letter is to be found on Ebay Item number: 290213173741. If you want to see it or bid on it just follow one of the links on this Blog.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Moses Jewett Burlington, Vermont Letter
18th Century letter from Moses Jewett, [of Burlington, Vermont], datelined New Ipswich, NH to his brother David Jewett of Jaffrey, NH.
Reads in part:
I tarryed to Peterboro three weeks after I left your house from thence I went to Fitchburg & tarryed there about the same time & have been at this place about a week...our journeywork is some lower than it has been...I am forced to exert myself the more
... with regard to my colt I have rested early thinking it was sold. I expect my mare is with fold now therefore you can get fourteen dollars for the red one, you may sell it...I will pay you for your trouble...
With regard to Sister Hannah's silk I have sent several times to Boston & have been a often disappointed there is not any in the country stores to be had & it cannot be obtained in Boston without the cash in hand. ...there is no cash to be obtained at present...I have engaged some hard ware for sisters saddles of Mr. Crosby...M. Jewett
Reads in part:
I tarryed to Peterboro three weeks after I left your house from thence I went to Fitchburg & tarryed there about the same time & have been at this place about a week...our journeywork is some lower than it has been...I am forced to exert myself the more
... with regard to my colt I have rested early thinking it was sold. I expect my mare is with fold now therefore you can get fourteen dollars for the red one, you may sell it...I will pay you for your trouble...
With regard to Sister Hannah's silk I have sent several times to Boston & have been a often disappointed there is not any in the country stores to be had & it cannot be obtained in Boston without the cash in hand. ...there is no cash to be obtained at present...I have engaged some hard ware for sisters saddles of Mr. Crosby...M. Jewett
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Nelson Linsley Letter, New Haven Connecticut 1860
Four page letter from New Haven, Connecticut, dated May 14, 1860,
from Nelson Linsley, a Melodeon Manufacture in New Haven operating under the firm of Treat & Linsley with rich political content discussing the upcoming election, the Charleston Convention, the "Negro" question pertaining to the Slavery, one that had divided the country at that point & would see the rise of Abraham Lincoln a few Months later to be the nominee and mark his landmark Presidency.
He writes to his friend Anderson. Transcribed in part:
"New Haven, May 14, 1860
Friend Anderson
It was with much pleasure that I received yours of the 25th of Apr I believe that I made out to get at the meaning generally & as regards the of the paper I concluded that it was some new fangled style some French of Spanish or some other fashion which had not reached this part of the world yet as I regard economy that I think is a good -- which prehaps (sic) it would do well for some to cultivate,
As regards your politics I am glad to hear that you are giving both sides your consideration & I think if you will carefully examine the merits & decide candidly that there yet some hopes for your salvation politically the Charleston Convention have broken up as you are probably aware without making a Nomination but it makes but little difference who the man is.
Principles are what we are after in reference to the Negro question
I for one do not think that they would trouble it at all if the Democratic party did not commence the agitation
I have watched the house & senate with considerable interest the present session & if you will observe whenever there has been anything said on the question it has been brought up by the Democrat Members in every instance
The Republican principle is not to extend, unless the new states want it, but let it remain where it is as long as its residents fit
then give it a fair chance to vote for or against it and not do as they did in Kansas.
I don't see how any candid man can find fault with this if they do
I cannot help it if that is all we must wait the result if the world was made up of men of Intelligence I should not fear for the result but there ar
for so many that vote who do not know their right hand from their left in politics that it is doubtful care to say the least
I shall have to stop for the present for I cannot see.
May 21...I am pretty tired we have packed and sent of 12 Melodeons today the largest number we ever sent in one day
but to the letter I told Mr. Treat what you said about his voting for you when you go up for Congress & he says that he will do it, if you are a Republican & I think he would, for he thinks you are about right otherwise & we have our hopes in this respect\
it is dark again so good bye
I am going to bring this epistle to a close this time Sartain...I have been to Branford...had a letter from Hough he intimated as if our Southern Friends might possibly come North this summer well if you do we have some grape wine of our own manufacture which if you get here before it is gone I will treat you so hurry up or you lose...
I have to go to Guilford to attend court tomorrow...One of my uncles the heirs are going to try and break the will...
Look for papers next mail...Nelson Lindsley."
This great old letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 290211312219. Just follow one of the links on this Blog if you want to take a look.
from Nelson Linsley, a Melodeon Manufacture in New Haven operating under the firm of Treat & Linsley with rich political content discussing the upcoming election, the Charleston Convention, the "Negro" question pertaining to the Slavery, one that had divided the country at that point & would see the rise of Abraham Lincoln a few Months later to be the nominee and mark his landmark Presidency.
He writes to his friend Anderson. Transcribed in part:
"New Haven, May 14, 1860
Friend Anderson
It was with much pleasure that I received yours of the 25th of Apr I believe that I made out to get at the meaning generally & as regards the of the paper I concluded that it was some new fangled style some French of Spanish or some other fashion which had not reached this part of the world yet as I regard economy that I think is a good -- which prehaps (sic) it would do well for some to cultivate,
As regards your politics I am glad to hear that you are giving both sides your consideration & I think if you will carefully examine the merits & decide candidly that there yet some hopes for your salvation politically the Charleston Convention have broken up as you are probably aware without making a Nomination but it makes but little difference who the man is.
Principles are what we are after in reference to the Negro question
I for one do not think that they would trouble it at all if the Democratic party did not commence the agitation
I have watched the house & senate with considerable interest the present session & if you will observe whenever there has been anything said on the question it has been brought up by the Democrat Members in every instance
The Republican principle is not to extend, unless the new states want it, but let it remain where it is as long as its residents fit
then give it a fair chance to vote for or against it and not do as they did in Kansas.
I don't see how any candid man can find fault with this if they do
I cannot help it if that is all we must wait the result if the world was made up of men of Intelligence I should not fear for the result but there ar
for so many that vote who do not know their right hand from their left in politics that it is doubtful care to say the least
I shall have to stop for the present for I cannot see.
May 21...I am pretty tired we have packed and sent of 12 Melodeons today the largest number we ever sent in one day
but to the letter I told Mr. Treat what you said about his voting for you when you go up for Congress & he says that he will do it, if you are a Republican & I think he would, for he thinks you are about right otherwise & we have our hopes in this respect\
it is dark again so good bye
I am going to bring this epistle to a close this time Sartain...I have been to Branford...had a letter from Hough he intimated as if our Southern Friends might possibly come North this summer well if you do we have some grape wine of our own manufacture which if you get here before it is gone I will treat you so hurry up or you lose...
I have to go to Guilford to attend court tomorrow...One of my uncles the heirs are going to try and break the will...
Look for papers next mail...Nelson Lindsley."
This great old letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 290211312219. Just follow one of the links on this Blog if you want to take a look.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Mr. Christopher W. Wilder Bridgeton ME
This great old letter is addressed to "Mr. Christopher W. Wilder Bridgeton ME" but you will also find the words "Haverhill Mass" written across the front but crossed out. It also says "To the care of Mr. Daviz Carriage Trimmer Please forward this." Then on the backside of the address is a handwritten note that says "I thought I would direct this so there might be no danger of it’s being miscarried."
As far as the letter is concerned it is a three page letter dated 1848 and written by his sister Elizabeth who is in Lancaster. I’ve quoted a small portion of it below to give you a better idea of the contents, as follows;
"Lancaster Feb.25th, 1848
Brother Christopher,
Nearly three months having elapsed since I wrote to you without receiving an answer to my epistle or any other tidings of your welfare. I can wait no longer, but again address you hoping to ascertain the cause of such delays. Has sickness debilitated your frame and prostrated your powers of mind? Or have you found one whose good fortune it may be to render the part a sister would wish to fulfill more pleasant and more faithfully performed. I have long feared that the former was the case of your neglect and thought how happy I should be if such were your misfortune if I could be so situated as to fulfill the office of that affectionate sister who was so early taken from you, but as misfortune of various kinds would have rendered that impossible, still I can assure you that you are not forgotten in any condition ……I know little of the society of Haverhill but suppose like all other large towns, it has it’s temptations as well as allurements to the path of virtue and happiness. But I am happy to find that you profess a turned up mind which is little calculated to relish the pleasures of that class who are ever looking to the scenes of gaiety for their happiness, for although I believe some amusements are necessary to refresh the worried mind at times and invigorate the physical nature of man, yet those who look for happiness from such a source are often lead to repent of their folly………Please favor me with a speedy answer as I shall wait with much anxiety to hear from you. This from your sister, Elizabeth B. Wilder."
This great old letter can be found on Ebay Item number: 170197656010. If you want to place a bid on the letter just follow one of the links to Ebay on this blog.
As far as the letter is concerned it is a three page letter dated 1848 and written by his sister Elizabeth who is in Lancaster. I’ve quoted a small portion of it below to give you a better idea of the contents, as follows;
"Lancaster Feb.25th, 1848
Brother Christopher,
Nearly three months having elapsed since I wrote to you without receiving an answer to my epistle or any other tidings of your welfare. I can wait no longer, but again address you hoping to ascertain the cause of such delays. Has sickness debilitated your frame and prostrated your powers of mind? Or have you found one whose good fortune it may be to render the part a sister would wish to fulfill more pleasant and more faithfully performed. I have long feared that the former was the case of your neglect and thought how happy I should be if such were your misfortune if I could be so situated as to fulfill the office of that affectionate sister who was so early taken from you, but as misfortune of various kinds would have rendered that impossible, still I can assure you that you are not forgotten in any condition ……I know little of the society of Haverhill but suppose like all other large towns, it has it’s temptations as well as allurements to the path of virtue and happiness. But I am happy to find that you profess a turned up mind which is little calculated to relish the pleasures of that class who are ever looking to the scenes of gaiety for their happiness, for although I believe some amusements are necessary to refresh the worried mind at times and invigorate the physical nature of man, yet those who look for happiness from such a source are often lead to repent of their folly………Please favor me with a speedy answer as I shall wait with much anxiety to hear from you. This from your sister, Elizabeth B. Wilder."
This great old letter can be found on Ebay Item number: 170197656010. If you want to place a bid on the letter just follow one of the links to Ebay on this blog.
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