Civil War letter written by Charlotte Couch of Fairview, Illinois, and dated April 19, 1865. It is addressed to a Civil War soldier, identified as "Henry".
It is clear by this letter that Charlotte Couch was an intelligent, outspoken women. She makes her feelings about the South and it’s military leaders clear in this letter.
"Fairview, Illinois—April 19, 1865
Friend Henry—
…I received your letter last Friday that was due the the 30 of March. I also got a letter from John Couch last Friday. [Most likely the John Couch referenced here belonged to Company "C", 103rd Illinois Infantry.] He never said how he was, but he seemed to be very much engaged and inclined to think that Sherman’s army is the best one in the field. I think myself that he is very good. Grant has been doing some good work within the last few weeks. Well I felt very well satisfied to hear that Richmond was taken the way it was--only I should liked for Lee to have been killed!
Well I suppose many other think that the war cannot last much longer. We heard late last evening that they had taken Johnston’s Army…. We have got many Rebels up north. We killed them with the Draft. They may turn again…they don’t want any more men. The Draft went off in Deerfield last week. Three of the young men run off but just as soon as they heard that they was not wanted, they came right back to Bayless….
I suppose that A. Lincoln was buried at Springfield yesterday. I have no doubt but what it was the largest funeral that was ever known in the United States. There was a great many went from Canton. Well it seems hard to think that good true men should b shot down by the likes of Northern Traitors. It seems bad enough to fall in battle. Of I would like to see the one hang that shot Lincoln. Well I hope that Johnson will be harder than ever. Lincoln was on the Rebels.
I was glad that you all had such good success while on your last march. Well I will close for this time, hoping that after a few more letters that we can have the pleasure of hearing soldier’s tell of their hardships that they have went through on account of this rebellion.
I remain, your friend, Charlotte Couch…."

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Friday, July 30, 2004
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Civil War: Steamer John Raine, 1869
MARCH 26, 1869
Cousen lydia ann b.
I take my pen to write thee a few lines. I met with an accident yesterday we get orders to out and drill our horses some i saddle up a fool horse that no one can ride i left my horse in the stable he was sick. Well i got on this one at the edge of the river he got to rearing up and ran in to the river i got him out and raired and throughed me off and fell on me and smashed mu ankle up he layed on me untill some to the boys pulled him off they carried me on the boat and put me to bed i am going on a crutch this morning.
Will got his finger shot off day before yesterday so you see we are both crippled he got it done accidently putting his revolver in the scabbard our boat is at cairo the rest of the boats are a vicksburg and we will go down the river before long. I expect will will get a furlong till his finger gets well or the place where his finger ought to be but i can;t get one without the bone was broken
i want you to write to me and let me know if you get the money i sent and if bev has got tht receipt for expressing them boots to me put it in a letter and send it to me and when i get to memphis i will make them pay for it send quick before i leave cairo direct to cairo us steamer john raine a.j. fraizer co d 1st car mmb
give my love to all inquiring friends write soon ashley j. Fraizer i will send you john will photographs. Keep it until i get home for i woulod not take a arm for it. He's going to send mine to his folks look out for my picture to it is is a case so so
Notes: the letter writer is ashley j. Frazier, cousin of lydia ann burgess parker. He was born in 1840 in indianna and died in ohio
MARCH 26, 1869
Cousen lydia ann b.
I take my pen to write thee a few lines. I met with an accident yesterday we get orders to out and drill our horses some i saddle up a fool horse that no one can ride i left my horse in the stable he was sick. Well i got on this one at the edge of the river he got to rearing up and ran in to the river i got him out and raired and throughed me off and fell on me and smashed mu ankle up he layed on me untill some to the boys pulled him off they carried me on the boat and put me to bed i am going on a crutch this morning.
Will got his finger shot off day before yesterday so you see we are both crippled he got it done accidently putting his revolver in the scabbard our boat is at cairo the rest of the boats are a vicksburg and we will go down the river before long. I expect will will get a furlong till his finger gets well or the place where his finger ought to be but i can;t get one without the bone was broken
i want you to write to me and let me know if you get the money i sent and if bev has got tht receipt for expressing them boots to me put it in a letter and send it to me and when i get to memphis i will make them pay for it send quick before i leave cairo direct to cairo us steamer john raine a.j. fraizer co d 1st car mmb
give my love to all inquiring friends write soon ashley j. Fraizer i will send you john will photographs. Keep it until i get home for i woulod not take a arm for it. He's going to send mine to his folks look out for my picture to it is is a case so so
Notes: the letter writer is ashley j. Frazier, cousin of lydia ann burgess parker. He was born in 1840 in indianna and died in ohio
Civil War: Ashley Fraizer, Fort Pickering 1862
cousen lidia a. Burgess
i got your letter the other day and with it one from louisa leonard. I was very glad to hear from you. My health is very good. I thought sometime ago that i would have to give up and go to the hospital but did not go and i expect it was best for i have got better my old cough came back again. Well there is no news of importance to write.
I think the war is about over if our troops will stand right up to them. They are completely whiped hear. They say that theyare readuy to give up now . If some of our home cowards would come and help us a little them fellows that have come from virginia to silas george they are nothing but cowards that wont fight for ther homes and ought not to be countinanced at all.. They ought to be drove out of highland county, they shirk out of the war and run from there homes when they might voluntered in some regiment and fight when we must do there fighting for them.
There john barrett and bill barrett such as them and the homes. We must suffer. It makes me mad to think of it. I ever get back they must hope ther gab to ther selves or ther will be somebody hurt.
Well my boots has no come yet but it is likely they will come before long. I am wanting them very bad as the weather is getting very disagreeable. If the expressage is payed i can get them as quick as the get here. If not i can't tell when they will be delivered for money is very scarce hear now we have not got our pay yet. I am still working at the fort yet but we may go away from hear before long.
Write soon give my love to everbody but home cowards
ash fraizer
Notes: ashley j. Frazier was a cousin of lydia burgess parker he was born in 1840 in indianna and was related through the leonard connection.
cousen lidia a. Burgess
i got your letter the other day and with it one from louisa leonard. I was very glad to hear from you. My health is very good. I thought sometime ago that i would have to give up and go to the hospital but did not go and i expect it was best for i have got better my old cough came back again. Well there is no news of importance to write.
I think the war is about over if our troops will stand right up to them. They are completely whiped hear. They say that theyare readuy to give up now . If some of our home cowards would come and help us a little them fellows that have come from virginia to silas george they are nothing but cowards that wont fight for ther homes and ought not to be countinanced at all.. They ought to be drove out of highland county, they shirk out of the war and run from there homes when they might voluntered in some regiment and fight when we must do there fighting for them.
There john barrett and bill barrett such as them and the homes. We must suffer. It makes me mad to think of it. I ever get back they must hope ther gab to ther selves or ther will be somebody hurt.
Well my boots has no come yet but it is likely they will come before long. I am wanting them very bad as the weather is getting very disagreeable. If the expressage is payed i can get them as quick as the get here. If not i can't tell when they will be delivered for money is very scarce hear now we have not got our pay yet. I am still working at the fort yet but we may go away from hear before long.
Write soon give my love to everbody but home cowards
ash fraizer
Notes: ashley j. Frazier was a cousin of lydia burgess parker he was born in 1840 in indianna and was related through the leonard connection.
Civil War Letter: Ashley J. Fraizer, Louisiana 1864
U.s. ste
john raine water prof la.
Sunday jan. 3rd 1864
dear cousen i am so tired i can hardly write but i suppose i must try to answer your letter i got yesterday it is the 2nd one i have got sense i left home, i have been in the saddle for three days scouting and it is very hard work where ther is as many rebs as ther is hear yesterday. We was in miss.
Today we roade 25 miles through la runing rebs scouts and taken prisonors they are very thick hear we have been fighting them for three weeks they slip up on us and kill our pickets and then run and we catch them if we can. We are 75 miles below vicksburg and i expect we will go on down the river the day after christmas. We had fight at port gibson and yesterday we drove the rebs a way from oakland colage and held it about 3 hours then we collected all the fat cattle we could get and started for rodney. We get off the boats 10 miles above rodney and the boats was to be ther befor us we got there by land after we got the cattle together. The major started me ahead of the column to see if the boats had got to rodney and to tell them to be ready to kill the cattle it was a dangerous tripp and i didn't know the way but i loaded my carbine and took my revolver in my hand and away i went. It was three miles and some places i could not see 50 yards ahead of me, steepe hills and steepe cuts but i whiped through and got to town safe.
The boat got there as i did. 50 rebs could get in to them hills and whip 500 of us if they had sense enough there is a good deal of suffering amongst the reb families hear this morning there was two women come on board to see if they could buy some shoes for there children they had three small children with them they were bair footed cold wet and muddy such things make me feel sorry i bought them some soda and crackers which was the first flower bread they had tasted for some six months well i quit for this time direct to the john raine be sure to put co d car mmb
ashley j. Fraizer write soon tell all the news my health is good i will write again soon
Notes: ashley j. Fraizer son of john j. Frazier and abigail leonard born 1840 indianna died in ohio cousin of lydia ann burgess parker written as wrote no corrections of spelling or punctuation
U.s. ste
john raine water prof la.
Sunday jan. 3rd 1864
dear cousen i am so tired i can hardly write but i suppose i must try to answer your letter i got yesterday it is the 2nd one i have got sense i left home, i have been in the saddle for three days scouting and it is very hard work where ther is as many rebs as ther is hear yesterday. We was in miss.
Today we roade 25 miles through la runing rebs scouts and taken prisonors they are very thick hear we have been fighting them for three weeks they slip up on us and kill our pickets and then run and we catch them if we can. We are 75 miles below vicksburg and i expect we will go on down the river the day after christmas. We had fight at port gibson and yesterday we drove the rebs a way from oakland colage and held it about 3 hours then we collected all the fat cattle we could get and started for rodney. We get off the boats 10 miles above rodney and the boats was to be ther befor us we got there by land after we got the cattle together. The major started me ahead of the column to see if the boats had got to rodney and to tell them to be ready to kill the cattle it was a dangerous tripp and i didn't know the way but i loaded my carbine and took my revolver in my hand and away i went. It was three miles and some places i could not see 50 yards ahead of me, steepe hills and steepe cuts but i whiped through and got to town safe.
The boat got there as i did. 50 rebs could get in to them hills and whip 500 of us if they had sense enough there is a good deal of suffering amongst the reb families hear this morning there was two women come on board to see if they could buy some shoes for there children they had three small children with them they were bair footed cold wet and muddy such things make me feel sorry i bought them some soda and crackers which was the first flower bread they had tasted for some six months well i quit for this time direct to the john raine be sure to put co d car mmb
ashley j. Fraizer write soon tell all the news my health is good i will write again soon
Notes: ashley j. Fraizer son of john j. Frazier and abigail leonard born 1840 indianna died in ohio cousin of lydia ann burgess parker written as wrote no corrections of spelling or punctuation
Civil War Letter: Ashley J. Frazier, Virginia 1863
U.s. hospitle sts
woodford vicksburg
july 21, 1863
Dear cousen lidia
i am still in the land of the living and _______and harty but ther is a good deal of sickness as high as 7 or 8 die of a night on our boat thye liked me so well as a nurse they put me in gen ward master of all the sick i have 164 beds and 150 sick in them i have 18 nurses and it keeps them busy to get along it takes 30 neggroes busy to wash and iron and scrub the boat
i have got plenty of money and would send some home if i had a chance but there is no chance now i hant saw ben gadd yet nore any of the 48th i don't know whether he is a living or not the rest of the boats has gone down the river towards new orleans and we will start down in a few hours. I don't know where we will go i hear the rebs is in indianna county up river they had better look out
tell me all the news going for i hant got time to write more now direct as before
ashley j. Frazier
U.s. hospitle sts
woodford vicksburg
july 21, 1863
Dear cousen lidia
i am still in the land of the living and _______and harty but ther is a good deal of sickness as high as 7 or 8 die of a night on our boat thye liked me so well as a nurse they put me in gen ward master of all the sick i have 164 beds and 150 sick in them i have 18 nurses and it keeps them busy to get along it takes 30 neggroes busy to wash and iron and scrub the boat
i have got plenty of money and would send some home if i had a chance but there is no chance now i hant saw ben gadd yet nore any of the 48th i don't know whether he is a living or not the rest of the boats has gone down the river towards new orleans and we will start down in a few hours. I don't know where we will go i hear the rebs is in indianna county up river they had better look out
tell me all the news going for i hant got time to write more now direct as before
ashley j. Frazier
Civil War Letter: Ashley J. Frazier, Mississippi (no date)
U.s. ste john rearn brumis burough miss. Feb 26
cous i receivied your letter today and was glad to hear from you. My health is good and we are confiscating cotton. I got in last night about 10 clock after two days scouting cotton we found 800 bailes back in the hills concealed. We brought in 100 bailes with us and are going out after the rest a baile of cotton is worth $350 no just count that up and see we are making money for uncle sam recolect that is not half we are at the business all the time, we have got the rebs cleaned out in these parts for awhile
well i must tell about my getting my dinner at port gibson we made a raid on port gibson the other day we charged into town on a gallop but found a few rebs there hill is back and with me after we got into town we stopped on main street to let our horses rest and eat a bit of hard tack hill called me by name and there was an old man hered him and come up to me and wanted to know who i was. I told him and he claimed kin with me and made hill and my gang eat dinner with him. We had a good dinner and good buttermilk, his name was milegan. He has some relation living in clinton and fayette co., Ohio so you see i have friends hear in the suney south i also got acquainted with dr. Sprute out there by hill knowing his dad at keokuk, iowa he wanted us to come and take dinner with him next time we come to town hill is stouter than he was so no more for this time
ashley j. Frazier writ soon
U.s. ste john rearn brumis burough miss. Feb 26
cous i receivied your letter today and was glad to hear from you. My health is good and we are confiscating cotton. I got in last night about 10 clock after two days scouting cotton we found 800 bailes back in the hills concealed. We brought in 100 bailes with us and are going out after the rest a baile of cotton is worth $350 no just count that up and see we are making money for uncle sam recolect that is not half we are at the business all the time, we have got the rebs cleaned out in these parts for awhile
well i must tell about my getting my dinner at port gibson we made a raid on port gibson the other day we charged into town on a gallop but found a few rebs there hill is back and with me after we got into town we stopped on main street to let our horses rest and eat a bit of hard tack hill called me by name and there was an old man hered him and come up to me and wanted to know who i was. I told him and he claimed kin with me and made hill and my gang eat dinner with him. We had a good dinner and good buttermilk, his name was milegan. He has some relation living in clinton and fayette co., Ohio so you see i have friends hear in the suney south i also got acquainted with dr. Sprute out there by hill knowing his dad at keokuk, iowa he wanted us to come and take dinner with him next time we come to town hill is stouter than he was so no more for this time
ashley j. Frazier writ soon
Civil War: Natchez Mississippi Hospital 1869 - Ashley Frazier
Natchez missippi
u.s. hospital ster woodford
aug. 27,1869
Notes: dear cousin i am down the river 110 miles below vicksburg at a nice town called vatchez the nicest place i have saw in the confederacy we come down for a holaday the head dockter thought it would be a nice tripp for the sick and so it is. We get all the fruit we can eat and melons by the dossen so you we have good times i took the ambulance and took a load of boys on out to see the town we had a merry time i tell you i bought some apples and a mess of dumplings but i missed aunt malindas cream dip very much and will have something more good.
The 48th regt passed hear going to new orleans yesterday my health is not very good i have got the gripp? Part of the time so no more now write soon ashley j. Frazier well lydia we once more in sight of vicksburg and will soon land there againe our frollick is over for a while but i have some hope of getting a letter and that will be joy give my love to aunt malinda tell her i had apple dumplings for dinner give my love to emma stalker tell unkle beve i will vote for john bough for governer of ohio and i am going to send my ticket home
ashley j. Frazier direct u.s. ster woodford
Natchez missippi
u.s. hospital ster woodford
aug. 27,1869
Notes: dear cousin i am down the river 110 miles below vicksburg at a nice town called vatchez the nicest place i have saw in the confederacy we come down for a holaday the head dockter thought it would be a nice tripp for the sick and so it is. We get all the fruit we can eat and melons by the dossen so you we have good times i took the ambulance and took a load of boys on out to see the town we had a merry time i tell you i bought some apples and a mess of dumplings but i missed aunt malindas cream dip very much and will have something more good.
The 48th regt passed hear going to new orleans yesterday my health is not very good i have got the gripp? Part of the time so no more now write soon ashley j. Frazier well lydia we once more in sight of vicksburg and will soon land there againe our frollick is over for a while but i have some hope of getting a letter and that will be joy give my love to aunt malinda tell her i had apple dumplings for dinner give my love to emma stalker tell unkle beve i will vote for john bough for governer of ohio and i am going to send my ticket home
ashley j. Frazier direct u.s. ster woodford
Civil War: on board the Steamer John Raine 1862
U.S. Steamer John Raine
Vicksburg, Miss.
April 22nd 1862
Miss Lidia Burgess
Your Kind Letteer Of The 12 Ins, Came To Hand This Morning Finding Me Enjoying Reasonable Fashion Of Health, I Got One Letter From Ashley Some Time Ago. I Will Send It Enclosed With This And You Can See For Your Self What He Has To Say. I Also Herd From Him A Few Days Ago They Was In Al. Then. I Don't Think They Will Be Sent To Richman On The Account Of Our Troops. You Spoke Of The File At Columbus I Guess It's A Mistake But Perhaps You Have Herd Of The File At Fort Sillow? One Of The Most Horred Things I Ever Herd Of On The Nite Of The 22 The Gun Boat Number 5 Was Sunk Up The Yazoo River And Number 11 There Was 3 Shots Entered Him But She Made His Escape Being Disabled Some. The Dianna And The Adams They Run Up And The Rebs They Disapered, The Hopital Woodford Was Sunk Up Red River She Run Afowl Of A Snag And Sunk In 15 Feet Of Water, No Lives Lost. One Of Our Transports Was Sunk Below Natier By The Rebs Nite Before Last.
It Appears As Tho The Rebs Are Getting The Upper Hand Of Us Now. This Is All Done By These Gorillas.We Have Just Come In From The River But We Coudn't Find Anything. I Guess They Are Afraid Of The Marines. You Wanted To Know About Our File. We Was Guarding A Train Of Cotton And As We Was Coming In We Was Ambooshed ... We Fought Them About 20 Minutes When They Retreated Killing 2 Of Our Men And Taking 10 Prisoner. We Killed 5 There Men And Held Our Ground And Wounded Some They Took All Of Our Advanced Guards. Ash Was In The Advanced.
Please Exuse This As I Am Have A Lame Arm And Can't Write Much. And Write When Concenietn And Direct To As Before
Respectfuly Yours J.H. Hill
Notes: This Writer Is A Friend Of Ashley J. Frazier, He Is Writing To Cousin Lydia To Let Her Know That Ashley Has Been Taken Prisoner.
U.S. Steamer John Raine
Vicksburg, Miss.
April 22nd 1862
Miss Lidia Burgess
Your Kind Letteer Of The 12 Ins, Came To Hand This Morning Finding Me Enjoying Reasonable Fashion Of Health, I Got One Letter From Ashley Some Time Ago. I Will Send It Enclosed With This And You Can See For Your Self What He Has To Say. I Also Herd From Him A Few Days Ago They Was In Al. Then. I Don't Think They Will Be Sent To Richman On The Account Of Our Troops. You Spoke Of The File At Columbus I Guess It's A Mistake But Perhaps You Have Herd Of The File At Fort Sillow? One Of The Most Horred Things I Ever Herd Of On The Nite Of The 22 The Gun Boat Number 5 Was Sunk Up The Yazoo River And Number 11 There Was 3 Shots Entered Him But She Made His Escape Being Disabled Some. The Dianna And The Adams They Run Up And The Rebs They Disapered, The Hopital Woodford Was Sunk Up Red River She Run Afowl Of A Snag And Sunk In 15 Feet Of Water, No Lives Lost. One Of Our Transports Was Sunk Below Natier By The Rebs Nite Before Last.
It Appears As Tho The Rebs Are Getting The Upper Hand Of Us Now. This Is All Done By These Gorillas.We Have Just Come In From The River But We Coudn't Find Anything. I Guess They Are Afraid Of The Marines. You Wanted To Know About Our File. We Was Guarding A Train Of Cotton And As We Was Coming In We Was Ambooshed ... We Fought Them About 20 Minutes When They Retreated Killing 2 Of Our Men And Taking 10 Prisoner. We Killed 5 There Men And Held Our Ground And Wounded Some They Took All Of Our Advanced Guards. Ash Was In The Advanced.
Please Exuse This As I Am Have A Lame Arm And Can't Write Much. And Write When Concenietn And Direct To As Before
Respectfuly Yours J.H. Hill
Notes: This Writer Is A Friend Of Ashley J. Frazier, He Is Writing To Cousin Lydia To Let Her Know That Ashley Has Been Taken Prisoner.
Civil War: Ashley J. Fraizer, POW 1864
u.s. steamer john raine
august 6th 1864
miss burgess your note of july 20th is just received and i will answer it without delay. Ashley j. Fraizer was taken prisoner on the night of march 4, 1864. We have heard from him several times since his capture. There are seven of the company with him. The last we heard from them they were in georgia, three of the number that were captured where he was have been exchanged and are now in the company. The last time we heard from him he was well which was about june 25th. I expect he will be exchanged soon at least the rebel authorities promised to exchange the marine prisoners at the next exchange in this dept. Please never make any excuses for writing me in the future relative to him or any other member of my company. For i feel it is a duty and with pleasure give any information to friends relating to any member of the company. I am respectfully yours f.v.decosten ----co d com m.m.b.
Notes: i assume this letter was sent to lydia burgess parker from the commanding officer of the company that her cousin ashley j. Frazier belinged.
u.s. steamer john raine
august 6th 1864
miss burgess your note of july 20th is just received and i will answer it without delay. Ashley j. Fraizer was taken prisoner on the night of march 4, 1864. We have heard from him several times since his capture. There are seven of the company with him. The last we heard from them they were in georgia, three of the number that were captured where he was have been exchanged and are now in the company. The last time we heard from him he was well which was about june 25th. I expect he will be exchanged soon at least the rebel authorities promised to exchange the marine prisoners at the next exchange in this dept. Please never make any excuses for writing me in the future relative to him or any other member of my company. For i feel it is a duty and with pleasure give any information to friends relating to any member of the company. I am respectfully yours f.v.decosten ----co d com m.m.b.
Notes: i assume this letter was sent to lydia burgess parker from the commanding officer of the company that her cousin ashley j. Frazier belinged.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
WW1: Albert Bertram Mudge, Ontario 1915
Name: Linda M. Shea
E- mail:
April 28, 1915
Mrs. R. Mudge,
41 Queen St., W.,
Guelph, Ontario
Dearest Mother and the rest;
I suppose you are anxiously awaiting the receipt of this letter to know if I am all right. Well, I am as fit as a fiddle thanks to my good health and God’s help and mercy in sparing me. By the time you will have received this letter the papers will have told, as best they know how of the way the Canadians brought honour to the country that sent them here, but the half will never be known of the individual heroism displayed during the charge and the days that followed.
I had gone to an important city near our billets about 5 o’clock and was in a store when suddenly there was an awful roar and all the windows were broken and the goods on the shelves fell on the floor. About a hundred yards up the street on the other side a “Jack Johnson” (18 inch shell) had demolished a house. It is wonderful the damage one shell can do. They have been dropping them into this town steadily for two days -- a case of wanton destruction, as the town was demolished last November, this just seems like heaping insult on injury. Our captain came along then, a fine man, whom we lost in the charge, and who sent us ahead to tell the officers to have the men fall in at once. Shortly afterwards we were ready to march off, after having filled our water bottles and gathered some grub into our haversacks, a wise precaution, not taken by all companies. On our way to the position we were to attack we met the French on the road coming back, gasping for breath from the effects of the gas bombs that were used by the dastardly Germans, in their attack.
One cannot blame the French for not being able to face it, as it made our eyes smart when we were half a mile from the trenches, almost an hour after it was used. The success of our attack depended on it being a complete surprise which it surely was. As one prisoner we captured said “We had thousands of men in reserve at this point ready to continue the advance at daybreak, and never in the least expected a counter attack so soon.” Our boys advanced in extended order, with fixed bayonets. (as per instructions received in Salisbury Plains) As they came through the hedge 150 yards in front of the trenches the enemy has almost completed, they were met by a hail of bullets from rifle and machine guns through which it would seem impossible for a man to pass alive, but some of us did, other poor fellows only got part way. As we got within a few yards of the trenches, the Huns beat it, for they will not stand and face cold steel when backed up by a “Tommie.”
As we stopped for breath in the trench, I found myself sitting on a big strapping Hun, who was crouching down in a corner. We took his rifle and ammunition from him and one of the boys stayed with him. We made other prisoners there too, who held up their hands pleading not to be bayoneted. Our Colonel Lockie then led us through the woods and out the other side. We lost a number there, and also captured many besides two large French guns, which has been captured. Dawn broke at 3:30 a.m. and found the Canadians “standing to” ready for a counter attack in trenches that had been dug within the last two hours. We were shelled something fierce all day and early the next morning were relieved by fresh troops. We went back about ½ mile and dug ourselves in for reserves for the excitement still continued as far as the shelling goes. They dropped them all about us all day long, and all night, but we were safe unless a shell happened to drop right in close to our dug out.
There are fresh troops and big guns here now so just watch our “smoke” save the day. At what cost I cannot say yet until it is official, but the losses later would have been far worse, if we had not checked them that night.
Mother, dear, you would not know me now. I haven’t washed in five days and am covered with mud from head to foot, and am writing this in a hole 3 ft. in diameter and 4 ft. deep, with plenty of straw and a horse blanket to cover me, and a couple of green shutters for a roof. The paper was supplied me by W. Forgie our Y.M.C. secretary who brought it to us with the shells bursting all about him but he knew we wanted to write home and let our folks know we were safe. Our officers were bricks and there are none better in the British army when it comes to going right into it, leading the men.
Well, mother, dear, I will have to close for this time. Let my friends know I am safe, as I cannot write more now. By God’s grace I came through thus far safely and I am leaving to Him the final outcome. Be brave, mother, dear and trust Him to see me safely home. Give my love to all and tell them that Canada has need to be proud of her boys, and to send more like them.
Yours lovingly, Bert
Notes: My granduncle Albert Bertram Mudge was b. 14 Nov. 1894 in Peterborough, Ontario the eldest son of Richard Mudge & Minnie Ellen Crossley. The family moved to Guelph around 1901. He was a private in the 16th battalion, Canadian Scottish Highlanders. After the war he moved to Winnipeg where he married Verta Eileen Meacham, 21 April 1920 and had one son. Uncle Bert worked for Eaton's from 1919 until 1958 when he retired. He died 28 Nov. 1968 in Winnipeg.
E- mail:
April 28, 1915
Mrs. R. Mudge,
41 Queen St., W.,
Guelph, Ontario
Dearest Mother and the rest;
I suppose you are anxiously awaiting the receipt of this letter to know if I am all right. Well, I am as fit as a fiddle thanks to my good health and God’s help and mercy in sparing me. By the time you will have received this letter the papers will have told, as best they know how of the way the Canadians brought honour to the country that sent them here, but the half will never be known of the individual heroism displayed during the charge and the days that followed.
I had gone to an important city near our billets about 5 o’clock and was in a store when suddenly there was an awful roar and all the windows were broken and the goods on the shelves fell on the floor. About a hundred yards up the street on the other side a “Jack Johnson” (18 inch shell) had demolished a house. It is wonderful the damage one shell can do. They have been dropping them into this town steadily for two days -- a case of wanton destruction, as the town was demolished last November, this just seems like heaping insult on injury. Our captain came along then, a fine man, whom we lost in the charge, and who sent us ahead to tell the officers to have the men fall in at once. Shortly afterwards we were ready to march off, after having filled our water bottles and gathered some grub into our haversacks, a wise precaution, not taken by all companies. On our way to the position we were to attack we met the French on the road coming back, gasping for breath from the effects of the gas bombs that were used by the dastardly Germans, in their attack.
One cannot blame the French for not being able to face it, as it made our eyes smart when we were half a mile from the trenches, almost an hour after it was used. The success of our attack depended on it being a complete surprise which it surely was. As one prisoner we captured said “We had thousands of men in reserve at this point ready to continue the advance at daybreak, and never in the least expected a counter attack so soon.” Our boys advanced in extended order, with fixed bayonets. (as per instructions received in Salisbury Plains) As they came through the hedge 150 yards in front of the trenches the enemy has almost completed, they were met by a hail of bullets from rifle and machine guns through which it would seem impossible for a man to pass alive, but some of us did, other poor fellows only got part way. As we got within a few yards of the trenches, the Huns beat it, for they will not stand and face cold steel when backed up by a “Tommie.”
As we stopped for breath in the trench, I found myself sitting on a big strapping Hun, who was crouching down in a corner. We took his rifle and ammunition from him and one of the boys stayed with him. We made other prisoners there too, who held up their hands pleading not to be bayoneted. Our Colonel Lockie then led us through the woods and out the other side. We lost a number there, and also captured many besides two large French guns, which has been captured. Dawn broke at 3:30 a.m. and found the Canadians “standing to” ready for a counter attack in trenches that had been dug within the last two hours. We were shelled something fierce all day and early the next morning were relieved by fresh troops. We went back about ½ mile and dug ourselves in for reserves for the excitement still continued as far as the shelling goes. They dropped them all about us all day long, and all night, but we were safe unless a shell happened to drop right in close to our dug out.
There are fresh troops and big guns here now so just watch our “smoke” save the day. At what cost I cannot say yet until it is official, but the losses later would have been far worse, if we had not checked them that night.
Mother, dear, you would not know me now. I haven’t washed in five days and am covered with mud from head to foot, and am writing this in a hole 3 ft. in diameter and 4 ft. deep, with plenty of straw and a horse blanket to cover me, and a couple of green shutters for a roof. The paper was supplied me by W. Forgie our Y.M.C. secretary who brought it to us with the shells bursting all about him but he knew we wanted to write home and let our folks know we were safe. Our officers were bricks and there are none better in the British army when it comes to going right into it, leading the men.
Well, mother, dear, I will have to close for this time. Let my friends know I am safe, as I cannot write more now. By God’s grace I came through thus far safely and I am leaving to Him the final outcome. Be brave, mother, dear and trust Him to see me safely home. Give my love to all and tell them that Canada has need to be proud of her boys, and to send more like them.
Yours lovingly, Bert
Notes: My granduncle Albert Bertram Mudge was b. 14 Nov. 1894 in Peterborough, Ontario the eldest son of Richard Mudge & Minnie Ellen Crossley. The family moved to Guelph around 1901. He was a private in the 16th battalion, Canadian Scottish Highlanders. After the war he moved to Winnipeg where he married Verta Eileen Meacham, 21 April 1920 and had one son. Uncle Bert worked for Eaton's from 1919 until 1958 when he retired. He died 28 Nov. 1968 in Winnipeg.
Saturday, July 03, 2004
"Elias, I do not steal as much here as I used to in the Army for I used to help myself to sugar and from the quartermaster. But here I steal fresh water to wash in. Every night I manage to steal a qt. to wash in. In the morning I have to be very sly about it for there is a guard constantly over it. But I have not been caught yet. It is great business stealing water when there is nothing to be seen but water." Bloom, October 1864
Correspondence written by a naval soldier covering three days, October 25, 26, and 27, 1864, while aboard the USS Vanderbilt. The soldier’s name was "Bloom" and he is writing to his brother. Bloom makes several interesting confessions regarding his less than becoming conduct. an interesting look into life aboard the Vanderbilt.
The letter comprises three pages dated Oct. 25, and one page dated Oct. 26, 1864). The fifth page is dated October 27, 1864, and is written on a half sheet lined paper
The Vanderbilt was originally a transatlantic passenger and mail steamer, built by Jeremiah Simonson of Greenpoint, Long Island, N.Y., in 1856 and 1857. It was chartered by the Union Army shortly after the start of the Civil War in April 1861, offered to the Army by her owner, Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, in early 1862; and transferred to the Navy on March 24, 1862.
Popularly known as "Vanderbilt's Yacht," the former flagship of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt's North Atlantic Mail Steamship Line began her military career in Hampton Roads, Va., intended for use as a ram against the Confederate ironclad CSS Virginia. Commodore Vanderbilt, suggested filling the bow of the vessel with concrete and reinforcing it with iron plating. This was not done, however, and the Vanderbilt was turned over to the Navy on and fitted with a heavy battery of 15 guns at the New York Navy Yard during the summer of 1862. The Vanderbilt left New York on November 10 and, after conducting a brief search for the CSS Alabama, the most destructive Confederate commerce raider of the entire war, was put into Hampton Roads on January 17, 1863.
Ten days later, the Vanderbilt received orders to conduct a much longer and more thorough search for Alabama. This year-long cruise took the vessel to the West Indies, eastern coast of South America, Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, Cape Verde, the Canary Islands, Spain and Portugal. During the West Indies portion of her deployment, Vanderbilt served as flagship of Commodore Charles Wilkes' Flying Squadron. During the search, Vanderbilt captured the blockade-running British steamer Peterhoff on 25 February, off St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, causing a dispute between the British and Americans as to the disposition of mail carried aboard the steamer. President Lincoln eventually ordered the mail returned to the British. Vanderbilt's captures also included the British blockade runner Gertrude, taken off Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas on April 16, 1863, and the British bark Saxon, seized at Angra Peguena, Africa, on 30 October. Saxon was suspected of having rendezvoused with and taken cargo off CSS Tuscaloosa earlier. However, pursuing lead to the whereabouts of Alabama, became increasingly frustrating as Vanderbilt would often arrive at a port only to discover that her quarry had departed only a few hours earlier. She eventually returned to New York in January 1864 for repairs without ever having sighted the Confederate vessel.
About the time this letter was written, the Vanderbilt was deployed with the blockade off Wilmington in November and participated in the unsuccessful first amphibious assault upon Confederate Fort Fisher in the Cape Fear River, N.C., on December 24 and 25. The Fleet took the fort during a second amphibious assault on 13 and 15 January 1865.
Vanderbilt returned to New York in late January, remaining until March 24, when she left for the Gulf of Mexico ferrying new recruits. From there, she proceeded to Charleston, S.C., towing the uncompleted Confederate ram Columbia from Charleston to Norfolk in May, and towed the Onondaga from Norfolk to New York in June. Vanderbilt served as a receiving ship at the Portsmouth (N.H.) Navy Yard during the summer of 1865.
The Civil War now over, Vanderbilt sailed from Portsmouth on 14 August and put into the Philadelphia Navy Yard on 27 August to be fitted out for a cruise around Cape Horn. She left Philadelphia on 25 October and arrived in Hampton Roads three days later. There, she was designated flagship of a special squadron consisting of herself, Tuscarora, Powhatan, and Monadnock. The squadron was commanded by Commodore John Rodgers and intended to increase the Pacific Squadron to a 14-ship force. The vessels left Hampton Roads on 2 November and arrived at San Francisco, Calif., on 21 June 1866 after stopping at most major South American ports while circumnavigating the South American continent.
Vanderbilt was decommissioned at Mare Island, Calif., on 30 June, but was soon recommissioned and on 13 October, sailed from San Francisco to Honolulu Hawaii, with the Hawaiian monarch, Queen Emma, on board. The cruiser returned to San Francisco on 3 December and remained there at anchor until placed in ordinary at Mare Island on 24 May 1867. She lay there, in ordinary, until sold on 1 April 1873 to Howe Company of San Francisco. Her new owners removed her machinery, gave her a graceful clipper bow, and full rigging. Renamed Three Brothers, she spent most of her time in the grain trade between San Francisco Le Havre, Liverpool, and New York where she acquired an enviable reputation for speed and handling. Vanderbilt's Yacht" served successive owners until 1899, at which time the vessel, now a coal hulk, was sold for scrap at Gilbraltar.
The letter is quoted in its entirety. For ease of reading, grammar and spelling have been corrected: "USS Vanderbilt at Sea Thursday Evening, Oct. 25, 1864
Dear Brother—
I write you these few lines under difficulties. I have wrote letters by moonlight and by campfire but this setting here and the ship rocking so hard that I scan scarcely sit still and the wind blowing the light out continually beats everything, so you must excuse the writing.
Well we left Boston yesterday 4. This morning I was up at 5 to wash some clothing. It was still dark. But as soon as I commence a heavy sea came over the vessel and wet me almost through. The sea was very high. I finished washing but no sooner hung them up then it commenced raining. It has been a very disagreeable day. I never saw the vessel rock so. I have done nothing all day. Near noon I was a little sea sick or rather had a headache. But I went [and had] my dinner. I never felt better as I do now. I ate some of mother’s doughnuts tonight and will eat more before retiring. I thank her very much for them. They make me think of her and home. Tomorrow we expect to arrive at Fortress Monroe, and I will send you these lines.
We have on board 25 or 30 men to leave there. I believe from there I don not know where we will go. The boys on here now are very lively and are enjoying themselves singing. But some of them was very sea sick this morning. Elias I would like to have you along on one cruise to know how you would like it. I guess if you could come aboard tonight you would give anything to get off before morning. You would be so sea sick. (Fifteen Minutes later). I have just been on the hurricane deck securing the accommodation ladders afraid they would be washed away. The sea washes clean over. It does not rain now.
Elias, I do not steal as much here as I used to in the Army for I used to help myself to sugar and from the quartermaster. But here I steal fresh water to wash in. Every night I manage to steal a qt. to wash in. In the morning I have to be very sly about it for there is a guard constantly over it. But I have not been caught yet. It is great business stealing water when there is nothing to be seen but water. Salt water is miserable stiff to wash in. I must now close for the present. You would think the sailors were wild. Could you be here now, they have all sorts of mineral instruments and they are all going tin pans and everything. It sounds like a ? at a wedding. I will write you a few more lines before I send this. Excuse this as it is written as hasty as some of yours was to me.
I remain. Your loving brother…Bloom.
At Sea Wednesday Eve. Oct. 26, 1864
Dear Brother—
We are still on the ocean sailing. We expect to land tomorrow. Today has been pleasant and warm. This morning I again washed some clothing at 5. What do you think of washing clothing at night. We have to do it here. I have been quite busy all day. I am glad to tell you that my friend Cosgrove has been promoted today as Ship Corporal. It will be an easy berth for him and he can have all night in[side]. We are sorry to loose him as a cook of our mess as he cannot be easily replaced. I ate some of that bolonie [sic] tonight only I want to take care of those army letters of mine under the bureau in your room. You must not read them. You can sell my silk hat if you can get any reasonable price for it and let the money go in my account. Nor more at present. I remain your loving brother, Bloom. P.S. Excuse the writing as I am writing by a dim light.
Oct. 27th 1864
— Dear Brother— We arrived here at noon as the mail ? and I am very busy. I write these lines to let you know I am well more tomorrow. Bloom.
Direct your letter to Fortress Monroe, USS Vanderbilt.
"Elias, I do not steal as much here as I used to in the Army for I used to help myself to sugar and from the quartermaster. But here I steal fresh water to wash in. Every night I manage to steal a qt. to wash in. In the morning I have to be very sly about it for there is a guard constantly over it. But I have not been caught yet. It is great business stealing water when there is nothing to be seen but water." Bloom, October 1864
Correspondence written by a naval soldier covering three days, October 25, 26, and 27, 1864, while aboard the USS Vanderbilt. The soldier’s name was "Bloom" and he is writing to his brother. Bloom makes several interesting confessions regarding his less than becoming conduct. an interesting look into life aboard the Vanderbilt.
The letter comprises three pages dated Oct. 25, and one page dated Oct. 26, 1864). The fifth page is dated October 27, 1864, and is written on a half sheet lined paper
The Vanderbilt was originally a transatlantic passenger and mail steamer, built by Jeremiah Simonson of Greenpoint, Long Island, N.Y., in 1856 and 1857. It was chartered by the Union Army shortly after the start of the Civil War in April 1861, offered to the Army by her owner, Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, in early 1862; and transferred to the Navy on March 24, 1862.
Popularly known as "Vanderbilt's Yacht," the former flagship of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt's North Atlantic Mail Steamship Line began her military career in Hampton Roads, Va., intended for use as a ram against the Confederate ironclad CSS Virginia. Commodore Vanderbilt, suggested filling the bow of the vessel with concrete and reinforcing it with iron plating. This was not done, however, and the Vanderbilt was turned over to the Navy on and fitted with a heavy battery of 15 guns at the New York Navy Yard during the summer of 1862. The Vanderbilt left New York on November 10 and, after conducting a brief search for the CSS Alabama, the most destructive Confederate commerce raider of the entire war, was put into Hampton Roads on January 17, 1863.
Ten days later, the Vanderbilt received orders to conduct a much longer and more thorough search for Alabama. This year-long cruise took the vessel to the West Indies, eastern coast of South America, Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, Cape Verde, the Canary Islands, Spain and Portugal. During the West Indies portion of her deployment, Vanderbilt served as flagship of Commodore Charles Wilkes' Flying Squadron. During the search, Vanderbilt captured the blockade-running British steamer Peterhoff on 25 February, off St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, causing a dispute between the British and Americans as to the disposition of mail carried aboard the steamer. President Lincoln eventually ordered the mail returned to the British. Vanderbilt's captures also included the British blockade runner Gertrude, taken off Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas on April 16, 1863, and the British bark Saxon, seized at Angra Peguena, Africa, on 30 October. Saxon was suspected of having rendezvoused with and taken cargo off CSS Tuscaloosa earlier. However, pursuing lead to the whereabouts of Alabama, became increasingly frustrating as Vanderbilt would often arrive at a port only to discover that her quarry had departed only a few hours earlier. She eventually returned to New York in January 1864 for repairs without ever having sighted the Confederate vessel.
About the time this letter was written, the Vanderbilt was deployed with the blockade off Wilmington in November and participated in the unsuccessful first amphibious assault upon Confederate Fort Fisher in the Cape Fear River, N.C., on December 24 and 25. The Fleet took the fort during a second amphibious assault on 13 and 15 January 1865.
Vanderbilt returned to New York in late January, remaining until March 24, when she left for the Gulf of Mexico ferrying new recruits. From there, she proceeded to Charleston, S.C., towing the uncompleted Confederate ram Columbia from Charleston to Norfolk in May, and towed the Onondaga from Norfolk to New York in June. Vanderbilt served as a receiving ship at the Portsmouth (N.H.) Navy Yard during the summer of 1865.
The Civil War now over, Vanderbilt sailed from Portsmouth on 14 August and put into the Philadelphia Navy Yard on 27 August to be fitted out for a cruise around Cape Horn. She left Philadelphia on 25 October and arrived in Hampton Roads three days later. There, she was designated flagship of a special squadron consisting of herself, Tuscarora, Powhatan, and Monadnock. The squadron was commanded by Commodore John Rodgers and intended to increase the Pacific Squadron to a 14-ship force. The vessels left Hampton Roads on 2 November and arrived at San Francisco, Calif., on 21 June 1866 after stopping at most major South American ports while circumnavigating the South American continent.
Vanderbilt was decommissioned at Mare Island, Calif., on 30 June, but was soon recommissioned and on 13 October, sailed from San Francisco to Honolulu Hawaii, with the Hawaiian monarch, Queen Emma, on board. The cruiser returned to San Francisco on 3 December and remained there at anchor until placed in ordinary at Mare Island on 24 May 1867. She lay there, in ordinary, until sold on 1 April 1873 to Howe Company of San Francisco. Her new owners removed her machinery, gave her a graceful clipper bow, and full rigging. Renamed Three Brothers, she spent most of her time in the grain trade between San Francisco Le Havre, Liverpool, and New York where she acquired an enviable reputation for speed and handling. Vanderbilt's Yacht" served successive owners until 1899, at which time the vessel, now a coal hulk, was sold for scrap at Gilbraltar.
The letter is quoted in its entirety. For ease of reading, grammar and spelling have been corrected: "USS Vanderbilt at Sea Thursday Evening, Oct. 25, 1864
Dear Brother—
I write you these few lines under difficulties. I have wrote letters by moonlight and by campfire but this setting here and the ship rocking so hard that I scan scarcely sit still and the wind blowing the light out continually beats everything, so you must excuse the writing.
Well we left Boston yesterday 4. This morning I was up at 5 to wash some clothing. It was still dark. But as soon as I commence a heavy sea came over the vessel and wet me almost through. The sea was very high. I finished washing but no sooner hung them up then it commenced raining. It has been a very disagreeable day. I never saw the vessel rock so. I have done nothing all day. Near noon I was a little sea sick or rather had a headache. But I went [and had] my dinner. I never felt better as I do now. I ate some of mother’s doughnuts tonight and will eat more before retiring. I thank her very much for them. They make me think of her and home. Tomorrow we expect to arrive at Fortress Monroe, and I will send you these lines.
We have on board 25 or 30 men to leave there. I believe from there I don not know where we will go. The boys on here now are very lively and are enjoying themselves singing. But some of them was very sea sick this morning. Elias I would like to have you along on one cruise to know how you would like it. I guess if you could come aboard tonight you would give anything to get off before morning. You would be so sea sick. (Fifteen Minutes later). I have just been on the hurricane deck securing the accommodation ladders afraid they would be washed away. The sea washes clean over. It does not rain now.
Elias, I do not steal as much here as I used to in the Army for I used to help myself to sugar and from the quartermaster. But here I steal fresh water to wash in. Every night I manage to steal a qt. to wash in. In the morning I have to be very sly about it for there is a guard constantly over it. But I have not been caught yet. It is great business stealing water when there is nothing to be seen but water. Salt water is miserable stiff to wash in. I must now close for the present. You would think the sailors were wild. Could you be here now, they have all sorts of mineral instruments and they are all going tin pans and everything. It sounds like a ? at a wedding. I will write you a few more lines before I send this. Excuse this as it is written as hasty as some of yours was to me.
I remain. Your loving brother…Bloom.
At Sea Wednesday Eve. Oct. 26, 1864
Dear Brother—
We are still on the ocean sailing. We expect to land tomorrow. Today has been pleasant and warm. This morning I again washed some clothing at 5. What do you think of washing clothing at night. We have to do it here. I have been quite busy all day. I am glad to tell you that my friend Cosgrove has been promoted today as Ship Corporal. It will be an easy berth for him and he can have all night in[side]. We are sorry to loose him as a cook of our mess as he cannot be easily replaced. I ate some of that bolonie [sic] tonight only I want to take care of those army letters of mine under the bureau in your room. You must not read them. You can sell my silk hat if you can get any reasonable price for it and let the money go in my account. Nor more at present. I remain your loving brother, Bloom. P.S. Excuse the writing as I am writing by a dim light.
Oct. 27th 1864
— Dear Brother— We arrived here at noon as the mail ? and I am very busy. I write these lines to let you know I am well more tomorrow. Bloom.
Direct your letter to Fortress Monroe, USS Vanderbilt.
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