Letter signed, "J. H. Morrison", Pemberton, Goochland County, VA, May 7, 1860.
With postal cover to Dr. Thomas B. Taylor, Mt. Meigs, Montgomery Co., Alabama.
Morrison notes that he has two parishes on either side of the James River; inquires about Dr. Taylor's cotton; and comments on the late war. Excerpts:
"The late war has almost obliterated the landmarks of the Past. It rolls as a dark flood between us and the period that preceded it. And yet the troubles we have had to wade through cause the heart to cling the more closely to old friends..."; "Like nearly all Southern clergymen, and many Laymen, I am much occupied in trying to provide a maintenance for my family."
Ebay Item number: 230428658107

Find your roots and hear your ancestors' words across the generations. Discover your origins in old letters as ancestors tell their stories and reveal family relationships, past events, moments in time and details of family history. Add branches to your family tree as you search your ancestry and build your genealogy.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Letter to Mrs. Eliza Thornton,Lauderdale County, Mississippi, from Elizabeth Baggott, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio 1847
Dayton P O Ohio montgomery Co. march the 14th 1847
My Dear and affectionate Aunt
Father is married again.. He married A lady by the name of Caylor., She was about twenty when he married. She has had five children. their Names are Martin V B is 9 [originally “8"] years old Virginia Helen was ten months when she died., she has been Dead six years., Oliver P he is five years old Josephine Boneparte She is three years old James K Polk is two years old this month Mother had 8 Children four dead and four a living William is the Eldest he is 27 years old George is 23 years old and I will be 21 the 21 [sic] the sixth of next month Martha Ann will be 17 the 28 of this month
... continue reading Letter to Mrs. Eliza Thornton, Alamucha P. O., Lauderdale County, Mississippi, from Elizabeth Baggott, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, March 14, 1847
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Letter to Mrs. Mary Bradford and sister Sarah Jane, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, from Louisa, York Pennsylvania, 1839
York Friday Nov. 25th ‘39
— I cannot refrain from expressing my thanks, thus early, for it, nor from giving you, Sarah Jane, our particular thanks (which you well deserve) for urging dear Mrs Bradford to renew her determination of visiting us at Christmas – We have set our hearts upon seeing her then, and cannot be disappointed – Sally & Emy, I am sure, will not be happy without her.....
Miss Naudain left Town about a week since – she is a lively, pleasant girl, and probably may carry off one of our Beaux – certain it is, that Mr Barnits was very attentive to her, which, is all I have to found my supposition on. We are as yet without a stationed Clergyman — Mr Wallace who has preached here once, is expected this week, to remain six months upon trial – It is generally supposed that he will be continued, as he was universally liked, by those who heard him — On Sunday next, in addition to Mr Wallace; Mr Wolfe (the celebrated missionary), and Mr George Jones will preach here
... continue reading Letter to Mrs. Mary Bradford and sister Sarah Jane, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, from Louisa, York Pennsylvania, 1839
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Letter from Simeon Baldwin, New Haven, Connecticut, January 4, 1808
New Haven Jany 4th 1808
Dear Sir
I have this day received yours of the 3d Inst wishing me to enquire more particularly of Mr Wm Baldwin respecting the circumstances of your brothers death. – You have indeed imposed upon me a painful task; but I expected it, & duty requires however painful it may be to us both, that I execute it faithfully.
– A day or two preceeding the Death of your brother he with Mr Michael Baldwin & three or four other Gentlemen arrived in Pittsburg from the westwards in a Stage & took lodgings at the Stage house, the next day he visited with a party of Gentlemen, at Henry Baldwins & by his cheerfulness rendered himself peculiarly acceptable to the family & the party
... continue reading Letter to unidentified person from Simeon Baldwin, New Haven, [Connecticut], January 4, 1808
Friday, January 22, 2010
Brooklyn, Connecticut 1849
Letter with lots of good and bad news from home. Dated Brooklyn, Connecticut, June 14, 1849, Fanny, Lucy and their mother Sarah Litchfield write to their sister and daughter Mrs Eldridge Hill, who has recently moved to the prairies of Illinois. Much information about friends and family, with news of marriages, a neighbor coming back from a lengthy out of town visit with a baby, concerns about health, a friend who died ["She was a very pleasant corpse"], a neighbor who destroyed his wagon and broke his leg in an accident, concern about ever seeing each other again, and desire to move to Illinois.
This interesting letter is for sale on Ebay Item number:200428293463
This interesting letter is for sale on Ebay Item number:200428293463
Letter to Alvah Bush, Albany New York, from her sister, M. M. Bush, Cooperstown, New York 1843
Cooperstown Oct 11th 1843.
I forgot to tell you that I paid $8 for my shawl which I suppose you will think very extravagant – It is cassimere, two yards square with a handsome heavy fringe and is very warm – I looked at it a long time before I could make up my mind to take it, but I thought it would do to wear very often instead of a cloak and thus save me the necessity of getting a new one –
I received a long letter from Joseph last week, giving an account of the wedding and the conflagration which are two very important events in Bainbridge – It will be but a little while before I shall see them all again, and I assure you I look forward to it with a great deal of pleasure – I shall spend a week or two there on my way to Binghamton — Mrs Sumer returned from Boston, Saturday, and left with her family for Cleveland this morning – Miss Stowel is very well –
...Continue reading Letter to Alvah Bush, Albany New York, from her sister, M. M. Bush, Cooperstown, New York 1843
Sunday, January 17, 2010
St. Clair County Illinois 1804
Illinois postmarked letter dated St. Clair County Nov 5 1804, from Lawrence Shook, to John Gibson, Secretary, Vincennes, Indiana Territory, manuscript postmarked Cahokia, Illinois. The content reads, in part, as follows: "Permit me to inform you that about two years ago I [obtained a] right of 100 acres of land from Danl. McCann as assignee of Joseph Managre who was assigned of Jaque[s] Bartholomew, a militia man of St. Clair County, which right Governor [William Henry] Harrison confirmed in the year 1802. He also kept the right in order to issue an order of survey for the same, but the order was not obtained. Now the law requites that all claims of land should be presented to the Register of Land office as Kaskaskia before the 1st of Jan 1805. Therefore I earnestly request of yr. honor to send me the right, or a copy of the Governor's confirmation, so as I may be able to lay my claim before the Register before the time expires. Your Honor's goodness in so doing will highly obligate and support me, otherwise I shall undoubtedly lose my right ... [signed] Lawrence Shook."
This letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number:250559570389
This letter is up for sale on Ebay Item number:250559570389
St. Clair County
Friday, January 15, 2010
Civil War soldier's letter, Norfolk, Virginia
Civil War soldier's letter, dated at the Signal Station near Norfolk, Virginia, December 13, 1863, from Julius Swain to his friend Frank....This letter, which is full of good content, contains the following highlights.....General Butler has laid a heavy hand on drinking shops and houses of ill fame...his order regarding darkies is refreshing....Swain's "boy" is joining the Colorado Cavalry...."the sight of a few black Zouaves and cavalry who are no doubt permitted to move round among the brethren have given a new imortance to enlistments and the niggers are gathering"....can't wait till Spring to be ready for the Rebs and Grant will get to Richmond, more......
This Civil War soldier's letter is up for sale on Item number:
This Civil War soldier's letter is up for sale on Item number:
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Feature Letter 1863 Civil War Letter from George B. Atkins to his father from Camp Douglas, Illinois
The Texas Republican
Camp Douglas
Chicago, Illinois
March 19, 1863
Dear Father
I write a letter to ARIE about a month ago, giving a statement of the condition of our company. Since then there have been so many changes in the prospects of nearly one half of us. When I wrote to Arie, there were two dead, H. T. WALKER and W. C. FORD. Since then ten more have departed this life, and now we have two at the hospital whose return, I fear, will be like the all the rest who have gone there; otherwise we are dong as well as could be expected—improving in health, getting plenty to eat, and receiving very good treatment. Money is scarce and no prospects of getting any, and of course, without it, we can procure none of the many delicacies we need when sick.
...continue reading 1863 Civil War Letter from George B. Atkins to his father from Camp Douglas, Illinois
Monday, January 04, 2010
Civil War letter written by Henry Stokes Figures
Today we feature a letter on PastVoices.com website. This is a Civil War letter written by Henry Stokes Figures on 9 May 1861 to his father
Henry S. Figures enlisted in the 48th Alabama on May 22, 1862. He was Adjutant of the 48th Alabama and was killed at the Wilderness Battle on May 6, 1864.
... Continue reading
Henry S. Figures enlisted in the 48th Alabama on May 22, 1862. He was Adjutant of the 48th Alabama and was killed at the Wilderness Battle on May 6, 1864.
"My Dear Pa--
I received your letter and I received yours and Matties, Otey’s and Ma’s letters this morning dated the 5th--also your paper. I received my pay last Monday and would have sent it to you sooner, but was waiting for a letter. ..."
... Continue reading
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Letter from George D. Havens in New London Conneticut with candid content re cockfighting.
New London, Connecticut, with postal cover to D[on] C. Mickey, Fostoria, Ohio.
In part:
"I received your circular...How I would like to get something that can whip the grade of J*ps [gamecock; derogatory term] that they have in Rhode Island. I have had bad luck lately...They was the Black & tan and the j*ps whiped us in good shape."
"I have a main coming off soon here and what I would like to know if you have got 5 cocks that will weigh from 5 1/2 to 6...and tell me if you thnik they can win against the j*ps."
"I have ordered a set of spurs from McGregory."
"I have a lot of game but they are all mostly light birds and they are a little to slow for the j*ps."
Also included is an envelope [empty] to Mickey from W. C. Gregory, Steel Spurs, Wilmington, OH.
Item number:
New London, Connecticut, with postal cover to D[on] C. Mickey, Fostoria, Ohio.
In part:
"I received your circular...How I would like to get something that can whip the grade of J*ps [gamecock; derogatory term] that they have in Rhode Island. I have had bad luck lately...They was the Black & tan and the j*ps whiped us in good shape."
"I have a main coming off soon here and what I would like to know if you have got 5 cocks that will weigh from 5 1/2 to 6...and tell me if you thnik they can win against the j*ps."
"I have ordered a set of spurs from McGregory."
"I have a lot of game but they are all mostly light birds and they are a little to slow for the j*ps."
Also included is an envelope [empty] to Mickey from W. C. Gregory, Steel Spurs, Wilmington, OH.
Item number:
New London
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Christiansand 1809
Document dated 1809, a letter from Captain Joseph Eck, in Christiansand, where his ship has been captured by Danish Privateers. In this letter Captain Eck states that to date 29 American ships have been captured and brought into port, they has a trial and were convicted for crimes such as not listing all crew members on docket and that one of the crew members swore at the Registrar....he knows not when they will finally be released from this place....signed Charles S. Smith and Joseph Eck.
This letter is for sale on Ebay Item number:350290092161
This letter is for sale on Ebay Item number:350290092161
Friday, January 01, 2010
Lonoke, Arkansas 1874
Interesting 4 pp. letter dated Lonoke, Arkansas, Jun 29 1874, from E. K. Purdy, who was with his relatives, to "Addie," his wife.
Lonoke AR, Jul 1 postmark, to Mrs. E. K. Purdy, Schoolcraft, Michigan. The letter reads, in part, as follows: "Ed & his mother are broke out in patches as large as peas all over & water is a stranger to their hides. They say it is chigger bites, but it is filthy skin (chiggers is a small insect about the size of these dots [has drawn a circle of dots]), but one has not troubled me yet ... Jul 1 ... Yesterday was Election Day and I was crowded with darkies, White & Black all day ... I did not enjoy the barbecue. I did not go near the grove that day. The day before I went to see the trenches & see how they barbecued the meat ... I saw two trenches dug in the row 4 feet wide [by] 100 feet long each & 40 or 50 darkies filling them with wood & burning to coals. Then there was laid on boards, meat, pork, mutton & some goat or kid meat, ready for laying on the coals in the trenches. N-----s [crude racial slur for African-American people] all around dressing sheep & young N----s running off with all the insides, that should be eaten by dogs. Yesterday Edgar came near being crippled for life. He was repairing a pistol that was loaded & carelessly fired it off, shooting of 2 barrels, blowing his eyes and face full of powder caps & today he cannot hardly see. I was at work near him, but fortunately for me, the balls went through the side of the house instead of my head. The editor [of the local paper] asked him what his initials was, as he was going to put him in his paper in regard to the shooting yesterday. I told England [the editor] his name was simply Edgar Purdy & not publish me as the one hurt, as it might cause trouble to my friends and others & cause me trouble & him the loss of one subscriber. So that ended. Just before that I went into a store & bought a file & was asked politely if I could settle my account. I said I have no account. Being being your name is E. K. Purdy, is it not? Yes that is my name, but I don't owe you anything. Well it is on the books [as] E. K. Purdy. I said Edgar Purdy is the person. So ended that ... [complains of lack of privacy] some of your last letters I have preserved by hiding them in my bed ... Edgar's eyes look bad ... [signed] 'E'."
This letter is for sale on ebay Item number: 260529457056
Interesting 4 pp. letter dated Lonoke, Arkansas, Jun 29 1874, from E. K. Purdy, who was with his relatives, to "Addie," his wife.
Lonoke AR, Jul 1 postmark, to Mrs. E. K. Purdy, Schoolcraft, Michigan. The letter reads, in part, as follows: "Ed & his mother are broke out in patches as large as peas all over & water is a stranger to their hides. They say it is chigger bites, but it is filthy skin (chiggers is a small insect about the size of these dots [has drawn a circle of dots]), but one has not troubled me yet ... Jul 1 ... Yesterday was Election Day and I was crowded with darkies, White & Black all day ... I did not enjoy the barbecue. I did not go near the grove that day. The day before I went to see the trenches & see how they barbecued the meat ... I saw two trenches dug in the row 4 feet wide [by] 100 feet long each & 40 or 50 darkies filling them with wood & burning to coals. Then there was laid on boards, meat, pork, mutton & some goat or kid meat, ready for laying on the coals in the trenches. N-----s [crude racial slur for African-American people] all around dressing sheep & young N----s running off with all the insides, that should be eaten by dogs. Yesterday Edgar came near being crippled for life. He was repairing a pistol that was loaded & carelessly fired it off, shooting of 2 barrels, blowing his eyes and face full of powder caps & today he cannot hardly see. I was at work near him, but fortunately for me, the balls went through the side of the house instead of my head. The editor [of the local paper] asked him what his initials was, as he was going to put him in his paper in regard to the shooting yesterday. I told England [the editor] his name was simply Edgar Purdy & not publish me as the one hurt, as it might cause trouble to my friends and others & cause me trouble & him the loss of one subscriber. So that ended. Just before that I went into a store & bought a file & was asked politely if I could settle my account. I said I have no account. Being being your name is E. K. Purdy, is it not? Yes that is my name, but I don't owe you anything. Well it is on the books [as] E. K. Purdy. I said Edgar Purdy is the person. So ended that ... [complains of lack of privacy] some of your last letters I have preserved by hiding them in my bed ... Edgar's eyes look bad ... [signed] 'E'."
This letter is for sale on ebay Item number: 260529457056
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